Category Archives: Silliness

A Big Pink Thing

Now should I cause a sideboard invasion for Mr Devine’s birthday??? I know Mitzi would appreciate a big pink thing on her sideboard, but no, I think I shall keep this big pink birthday greeting on my own blog.


I have been taking photos in readiness for the garden COMPETITION in October/November, just so you know!

A Message from the Chimney, and a Tale from the Cupboard

He sent a rook – no, not a chess piece – A ROOK. It landed in my wood burning stove yesterday morning after scrabbling away at the flue liner and making a right racket, the baffle was removed and there he was staring at me from the back of the stove demanding that I write a blog post this weekend. There wasn’t time for idle chatter as the bird was off via the conservatory window before I could whisper a question, or offer it anything shiny. Only Mr Devine would have sent a bird to do his bidding!! And obviously I have been downgraded from Cormorant to Rook. Then again I’m not sure a Cormorant would fit in the wood burning stove?

So where have I been?? What have I been doing??? What does my mantelpiece look like now??? That’s easy to answer, it looks like this….

….it’s now a cupboard. The cupboard is Rook-proof. Ha. Though my shelves are not…

Anyhow, the upshot is that I can no longer continue my thrilling series of posts entitled: News from the Mantelpiece. Instead I will excite my readers with: Tales from the Cupboard – I know – a truly inspired title! And here is the first:-

I only wish that I looked as calm and serene as Edna when I was dealing with a storm; or rain; or acres of mud; or a rook down my chimney.

P.S It is Mr Devine’s birthday on 22nd March – Happy Birthday if I don’t see you again before then!

Please make it wear big pants and a knitting pattern would be nice…..

I am supposed to post something, as it is MY TURN, AND, I am supposed to be posting on my brand new Blogger Blogspot blog, but I find myself here, in my comfy old WordPress armchair, where I don’t have to worry about coding my photos to make them look sharp.
Mr Devine has already relegated this blog to the bottom of his sideboard under Days of Coven Past. A rash and foolish move, Mr Devine, because from where else can I launch a sideboard invasion??? From where else can knitting patterns take over your life??? Jon knows me better, he has kept a link to this blog on his blogroll.

The reality of giving up this blog has set in. I can’t. Too much has happened here for me to simply pack my bags and walk away. Over the years there has been talk of wind, and trampolines; of bathmats and tambourines; broken promises and dreams – I have had sleepless nights over it – how can I abandon such an insightful commentary to the dustbin of the internet???? And, there have been chaps like this, dressed appropriately for the typical British summer…

Isn’t he huggable??!
Anyhow, I am here for now, but I may also pop up on Blogger, if the mood suits.

Tune in next time for: The Instructions on Page 11

Thoughts on Tuesday….

Dear Email Subscriber,
Do you really want this tosh from Ms Scarlet Blue landing in your inbox once a month? You are probably interested in calligraphy and are very disappointed when your monthly email arrives and it contains nothing but photos of Devon countryside, peculiar collages, and random words. I apologise.

I do indeed apologise. I have just this moment stumbled across my ‘Email stats’ – I didn’t know such stats existed. Apparently every time I publish a post it is immediately emailed to 101 recipients. 99% of the recipients open the email, but only 3% click through to this blog. My maths is appalling, but this might mean that 96% really aren’t very interested in my witterings. I am disturbing approximately 97 people unnecessarily!! If you are one of the 97 people then please unsubscribe! You know you want to and I will not be hurt by this seemingly callous action!

I am a little bit worried about the 3 people who don’t open the email at all. It is possible that they delete the email immediately, or they might be dead – it happens to us all, and I doubt we get to sort out our blog subscriptions before it does happen. All the junk we leave behind – real and virtual – it all needs sorting. The servers that hold the virtual junk use a lot of energy – I am just saying.

At this juncture I feel like I should add some calligraphy porn for those who subscribe to see some fancy writing. I have this, it is made from scraps of calligraphy, and I didn’t give much thought to the words I included. I made it back in May and haven’t looked at it since until today – and now it appears to have a theme! Weird.


Looking for direction?

To summarise: Please unsubscribe to stop receiving this tosh!!! Don’t unsubscribe if you like receiving this tosh!!! End of Broadcast.

Like tumbleweed….

….only green and a bit more upright…

Ssshhhhhh….it is Bank Holiday Monday, the grass has been cut and now we are sleeping…

Apparently I all but promised to slap up a post on Sunday. It is true, I did, but interested readers will have to make do with photo randomness instead. Would you like to see my pot of pansies? Okay then…

Maybe a snap of my wildlife pond? This was my pond on 21st May…

And this is it today….

Finally, no mini-tour of my garden would be complete without a glimpse of my glorious pink bush…

Right, back to sleep!

For Dinah, Looby, and Jon…..

They don’t make adverts like they use to. Why is that? We were spoilt in the eighties, although the drinks being advertised were probably the forerunners of alco-pops, and really weren’t that nice.

I did indeed want to grow up to be Lorraine Chase, or Joan Collins. I dreamt of a future wafting around in floaty frocks and being invited to house parties to sup Campari with suitable beaus.
It wasn’t to be. These adverts weren’t made for me. Turns out that my future was a little more rugged and mud filled – more wellies and waterproofs than sequins and pearls. Never mind. I can still look back on the future that never was, and smile.

The above short paragraph has been sitting in my drafts file since the 27th April. I have no idea why I didn’t publish it. Jon is now on holiday for 10 days so he won’t see it – and that is the problem – our daily blogger, Jon, is away. Daily bloggers are lynch pins within blogging communities, and without them, even for a short time, communities can fall apart. In Jon’s absence I will try extra hard to publish some posts. Mr Devine is making an effort to post every Sunday, and even Dinah has popped up again. I think Sunday is a good day to choose for some regular blogging – I might even tackle a Wednesday as well! But maybe that’s simply another wild dream? Scotch mist, anyone?