Author Archives: Scarlet

About Scarlet

A refugee from Blogger.

A Big Pink Thing

Now should I cause a sideboard invasion for Mr Devine’s birthday??? I know Mitzi would appreciate a big pink thing on her sideboard, but no, I think I shall keep this big pink birthday greeting on my own blog.


I have been taking photos in readiness for the garden COMPETITION in October/November, just so you know!

A Message from the Chimney, and a Tale from the Cupboard

He sent a rook – no, not a chess piece – A ROOK. It landed in my wood burning stove yesterday morning after scrabbling away at the flue liner and making a right racket, the baffle was removed and there he was staring at me from the back of the stove demanding that I write a blog post this weekend. There wasn’t time for idle chatter as the bird was off via the conservatory window before I could whisper a question, or offer it anything shiny. Only Mr Devine would have sent a bird to do his bidding!! And obviously I have been downgraded from Cormorant to Rook. Then again I’m not sure a Cormorant would fit in the wood burning stove?

So where have I been?? What have I been doing??? What does my mantelpiece look like now??? That’s easy to answer, it looks like this….

….it’s now a cupboard. The cupboard is Rook-proof. Ha. Though my shelves are not…

Anyhow, the upshot is that I can no longer continue my thrilling series of posts entitled: News from the Mantelpiece. Instead I will excite my readers with: Tales from the Cupboard – I know – a truly inspired title! And here is the first:-

I only wish that I looked as calm and serene as Edna when I was dealing with a storm; or rain; or acres of mud; or a rook down my chimney.

P.S It is Mr Devine’s birthday on 22nd March – Happy Birthday if I don’t see you again before then!

What’s in a Name?

I have always disliked my birth name – it smacks of posh gel writing with a quill at a private school, wearing a neat and tidy uniform and having a craving to be a milk monitor. The shortened version of my birth name, the name I go by in everyday life, is even less attractive and smells of ferrets. Perhaps this is why I enjoy giving people nicknames, or name variations, because it is me who desires a change of moniker.

For blogging purposes I changed my name to Ms Scarlet. I thought it was a pretty name, colourful, playful even, with a hint of revolver laying abandoned in a conservatory attached to a stately home. Unfortunately, Mrs Pouncer, a blogger of yore, started referring to me as Scarls. Grrrr. To my ear this sounded like a hybrid of Scowls and Snarls. And then more bloggers started calling me Scarls. I let it go because…. it’s nice to be worthy of a nickname? Because I adored Mrs Pouncer, and she could do no wrong? Because what??? Anyhow, I was back where I started – with a name I didn’t really want.

Back to my loathsome real name – I sometimes wonder if it has undermined my sense of self, such is my dislike of it, and perhaps if I’d been given a more likeable name I would have more of a liking for me. How would I have felt if I had gone through life as a Scarlet? Or as Georgina, or Karen? Would having a different name have changed who I am, and how I see myself?

Anyhow, this rambling post is an apology to Melanie, who I have been calling ‘Mels’, and ‘Mels’ has bad associations for her. Maybe I am just jealous because Melanie is a lovely name, and I wouldn’t have minded it for myself! I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to anyone else to whom I’ve given an unwanted name tag – though this doesn’t mean I’m going to stop doing it! After all, it’s fun making them up, and it probably means I like you.

A tune…. I wonder what Mr Lax would have thought of this?

News from the Mantel….oh!?

Remember my thrilling series of posts called: News from the Mantelpiece??? Well, I am no longer able to continue the series, as this is what the mantelpiece looks like now…

The mantelpiece is no more! I have been busy. The decluttering has moved on to redecorating, and about time too! I have loathed the lilac walls for about a decade, and the disproportionate mantelpiece. I’m not sure when my room will be ready for reoccupation – a new floor is on order and won’t arrive for at least 8 weeks, so hopefully I will be back in there, and have an ‘after’ picture, before Christmas.
For the time being I am camped out in a much smaller room, and I don’t know where anything is, and The Instructions on Page 11 have been packed away and are no longer accessible. Apologies for that.

And relax….

I am writing a quick post to dislodge the giant cardigan wearing man from Mr Devine’s sideboard. Future readers of this post, and my previous post, may be baffled beyond belief, they may not know of the havoc that a WordPress ‘featured image’ can cause on certain types of Blogger sideboards. Anyhow, this post should clear up the mess.

Meanwhile, I have not been very creative this year. I’m not sure what I’ve been doing. I do waste a bit of time on Apple Arcade games…

Top of the leaderboard!!I am very rarely at the top of the leaderboard – this position was a one off for me!

And I do take long walks looking for moody photo opportunities…

And I am trying to declutter my home, and redecorate – this might be my major time suck, as I do own a lot of rubbish that I really should have thrown out years ago

In all honesty, I really would like to get back into collage and calligraphy. I am back doing the Copperplate Special Interest Group envelope exchange, and for this I made a set of prints of one of my favourite quotes…

I am now contemplating starting my CHRISTMAS cards. Yes, I have used the word: CHRISTMAS! But before all of that I think I will enjoy the Indian Summer – finally some warmth in the UK!

Have a good week!

Please make it wear big pants and a knitting pattern would be nice…..

I am supposed to post something, as it is MY TURN, AND, I am supposed to be posting on my brand new Blogger Blogspot blog, but I find myself here, in my comfy old WordPress armchair, where I don’t have to worry about coding my photos to make them look sharp.
Mr Devine has already relegated this blog to the bottom of his sideboard under Days of Coven Past. A rash and foolish move, Mr Devine, because from where else can I launch a sideboard invasion??? From where else can knitting patterns take over your life??? Jon knows me better, he has kept a link to this blog on his blogroll.

The reality of giving up this blog has set in. I can’t. Too much has happened here for me to simply pack my bags and walk away. Over the years there has been talk of wind, and trampolines; of bathmats and tambourines; broken promises and dreams – I have had sleepless nights over it – how can I abandon such an insightful commentary to the dustbin of the internet???? And, there have been chaps like this, dressed appropriately for the typical British summer…

Isn’t he huggable??!
Anyhow, I am here for now, but I may also pop up on Blogger, if the mood suits.

Tune in next time for: The Instructions on Page 11