Tag Archives: calligraphy tip

Calligraphy Tip no.17

Apologies for my extended absence. I have been scrubbing. Specifically, I have been scrubbing the grubby grey tiles in my shower. I am something of an overzealous scrubber, as Charmaine is so fond of telling me, and this has proved detrimental to my lettering. I cite Exhibit ‘A’ – prior to scrubbing…..


Exhibit ‘A’

And, Exhibit ‘B’ – post scrubbing


Exhibit ‘B’

As you can see, Exhibit ‘A’ is smooth in line, whereas Exhibit ‘B’ is a shaky mess. This is because the repetitive rhythmic pressure and forceful overexertion of the lower arm, which is needed for a good scrub, causes the muscles to contract and spasm. Therefore my advice to fellow calligraphers and lettering enthusiasts is to learn to scrub with their non-writing arm. This may mean that you have to live with grey grouting in your shower; that your mirrors and windows may look a little smeary; that your teeth may be permanently stained yellow; and that other areas in your life may become less than satisfactory causing significant frustration and complaint from loved ones and casual acquaintances, but I feel that this is a small price to pay for smooth, flowing, confident letterforms.

Meanwhile, I am still up to my eyeballs in gold leaf and calligraphy correspondence. I do mean to post more regularly on my blog – I’ll aim for Thursdays, but sometimes it might just be pictures – it is difficult to type with just my left hand. Please bear with. Thank you.




Calligraphy Tip no. 34

…and not only a calligraphy tip, but also a beauty tip!!! A double tipped post!!! What could be better????

Apologies. I am a little fraught, having spent the morning trying to sync my wretched devices. They have decided that they hate each other and are refusing to share anything… especially photographs. I have tried talking rationally to them, but in the end I resorted to tricking them into doing what I wanted them to do. I am female, so it wasn’t that difficult… but they shared the relevant information very slowly.

Anyhow, what was the calligraphy tip??? Oh yes…. if you would like to add some subtle colour to white calligraphy simply colour it in with coloured pencil… just make sure that the white is proper dry before you do, or it might get a bit messy.


A Helpful Beauty Tip


Colouring in



How To Shave Safely



Calligraphy Tip no. 58

You are a silly old bat, Aunt Scarlet!’ Charmaine yelled down from the attic.
I frowned and considered getting some further insulation so that I couldn’t hear the girl whenever she got in a tis.
‘You don’t need a reservoir on a Mitchell broad edge nib!’ she continued, ‘All you need to do is drop some ink in the dimple on the top of the nib and it writes fine.’
I frowned some more, but I was so concerned by her revelation that I roused myself from my chaise longue and wandered into my light and airy studio to test her theory…


Dimple on the top side of the Mitchell nib.


The dimple filled with ink


It works!!!

I frowned some more. I had always wondered what that damn dimple was for. The girl was correct and the only downside to this technique was that the dimple did not hold as much ink as a conventional underside reservoir, thus it needed to be filled more often. This didn’t bother me as I believed it would be an easier for beginners who struggled with the reservoir.

‘And pray tell me Charmaine, from where did you find this tip?’ I shouted up to the attic.
‘Fink it was from Instagram… fink it was Cheryl Dyer’s feed.’

I nodded to myself as I had long been an admirer of Ms Dyer’s work [website HERE] and it didn’t surprise me that she would know such useful things about the mysteries of calligraphy nibs.
I looked around my studio and feeling inspired I sat at my desk to continue working on my own little project…


My latest masterpiece…. an extract from my favourite book.