Category Archives: gilding

New Post!!!!

…..or is it?

IS IT??? No seriously, it isn’t really. It is a holding post. I post that is to pop up to say: I am still here, but I am working through ‘stuff’, so I am not here really. I am kind of convinced that nobody else is here either. All gone.

Well, this all makes perfect sense.

I miss my mum.

I am in denial re Christmas, and the general election.

Here is one of my collages:-


I have been accepted to sell my wares on the new British Craft House website. I am HERE, but I am having problems setting up the payment whatnots… and what with the Etsy shop as well I am feeling like I’ve opened a small shopping precinct, and none of it feels right. All these marketing people are very jolly, and bouncy, and overexcitable, and I simply feel ill at ease and uncomfortable.

I don’t know what I am doing really. I just want to go somewhere and have a good cry. Then I’m sure I will feel better.


My dad died yesterday. So I will be away for a while having a good cry.

Exciting News!!! Shop now open!!!

Iam now available to buy on Etsy!!! Not me personally [that would be illegal], but my collages. It has taken me forever to make enough collages, photograph them all, and then tackle the steep learning curve that is Etsy, and although my shop isn’t the slickest in town, it is open, and it’s enough for now. I have added a link on my sidebar.

Shop now open!!

Other news: I have been scrubbing. My house is now a dust free zone, and I have very shiny taps. I had let things slide a little since March and I suddenly snapped – my inner domestic goddess came alive and found there was fun to be had with a flexible hose and a long-nosed crevice attachment. She even moved the furniture.

So that’s what I’ve been doing. Apologies for the blog neglect. I am back now.

X for….?

Ihave little to report this week. It is raining, blah, blah, blah. The mud and the weeds are doing well. A spider jumped out of my bath towel yesterday when I was drying myself; a scream followed. Other than this nothing much has happened.

I have though, been working on my collage alphabet. I have nearly finished it! I was fed up by the time I’d completed ‘m’ and wasn’t sure if I had the will to go on, but I powered through. I’ve realised that I’m not good at creating collections.

I was a little inventive when it came to the letter ‘u’…..


I had to adapt, and recreate a drawing from the book I’ve been using to illustrate my alphabet. Whilst I was doing this I began to fret about the letter ‘x’. What was I going to do? Should I try to draw a xylophone? I pondered making an x-ray image of one of my tiny bears, but dismissed this idea because it wouldn’t fit with the rest of the alphabet [I have put this idea on hold and is something I will do when I have finished the alphabet]. I fretted some more for ten minutes and then thought what the hell….


…..after all, who hasn’t heard of the Xmas Duck????? I like ducks. They look especially fetching when wearing hats. I could have done an Xmas Unicorn, which would have been interesting.

Shall we have a tune?

News from the Mantelpiece….

Yes, a new post! How scary is that? What am I thinking? Surely my readers have a month to wait before I pop up again in their blog readers? Blame Jon. And Dinah. More on that later.

Meanwhile, I have news from the mantelpiece [the chair is having a much needed rest, probably sitting somewhere], and it looks something like this:-



Oh wait, what is that interesting, yet sophisticated, picture? Oh my goodness! It’s another collage! Let’s take a closer look….

close-up of items-on-mantelpiece-in-calligraphy-studio-uk

Looking closer…

…and look! There is a gilded ‘d’!!


Shiny d!!

No? Then can I interest you in an orchid? I have kept it alive since March. Remarkable.


Still alive!

Well that was exciting wasn’t it?

Anyhow, Jon and Dinah have been talking about blogging and have been saying that only a few of us, in our little niche, post regularly, ie. more than twice a month, so I thought I would try to post more frequently. I know, I have said this before, but I am feeling in the mood to connect more often, AND I’m a collage behind, meaning I have pictures that I haven’t yet posted. I even have a post that I haven’t posted that isn’t related to the aforementioned pictures. So expect more. Especially on Sunday. There may be a coup.