Category Archives: Art

All Better….

Thank you for your well wishes – they worked, I am now well, other than a bit of a sniff. Having Covid was an experience – it was like having a cold and the flu at the same time, the one blessing was that although it was intense it was also short lived. It felt like it went on forever but in reality I was only glued to the sofa for about a week. My advice if you catch it is to do absolutely nothing until the worst of it passes and that way you will probably heal faster. Most people already know this! I was thankfully very late to the party.

Meanwhile, I am trying to get back into calligraphy and being a little bit creative. I feel very bland and unimaginative – but I managed to make this….

Car Crash

And when the sun came out [briefly] it was time to make hay leaving the view green and pleasant…

Pretty Colours


As a bonus, and because I’ve been sifting through old photographs, here is a picture of me that I managed to develop from a very old negative with help from a iPad app.

Someone give her an After Eight…or a Campari


Well how bloody quiet is it in my blog reader????? The only person making a daily effort is dear Jon! Nick pops up once or twice a week, but the rest of us are a complete blogging shambles – we are flickering in and out of the Blogosphere like a dying candelabra, and we are about to be snuffed out if we are not careful.

I will try to make amends. Since January I have made a few collages, including this one that has finally reached Maddie….

….I wasn’t sure if it was going to arrive – I send these collages out there never knowing for sure if they’ll reach the intended target. I’m pleased this one did as it’s one of my favourites.

And for my Copperplate Special Interest Group recipients, I sent the following….

….a self involved madam….

….a potential murder suspect….

….and an unbroken ink bottle….

….with added flashy calligraphy.

Obviously some of these little narratives are more melodramatic than others. I am liking the ink bottle for being short and sweet and for not meriting the need to feature in a novel.
I hope my CSIG friends don’t find my offerings too peculiar!

In other news: It is Spring. It is warming up. I have shaved my legs. I will be back on Sunday to share something riveting and not to be missed – though I haven’t yet made up my mind what that will be.

How to write a blog post….

I had lost my memory. AGAIN. Appalling. I had forgotten that I was an artistic genius of unparalleled proportions; that I was from a tiny village called Mogwash; and that my most recent artworks were made from vintage ephemera and ripped up books – but worst of all, I’d forgotten that I was the highly intelligent, yet modest author, of the much loved Wonky Words blog.

Months had gone by without me writing so much as a note to the bin men [I often do as I like to explain things]. The notion of writing a blog post felt heavy on my shoulders, and, I’d forgotten how. One voice in my head said: Just slap up some photos. Another said: Rehash a post from 1957. Voice 46 said: You’ll be fine, start typing and something will turn up. Voice 209 started having a row with voice 19 and I couldn’t make sense of what they were saying at all – perhaps something about putting things on chairs? Trampolines?? No idea.

Thankfully, it appeared that during October/November I had completed a couple of collages, and several photographs of these were languishing in my photo file….



I’d also been busy turning my studio into a fairy grotto…


…and observing hedgehogs interacting with fawns….

…and making demons for a Halloween gardening event.

I had obviously been very busy indeed. But something was nagging at me, I had forgotten something important. My knee twitched, and then I remembered….

*To be continued.

*I will set an alarm to remind me.

Breaking News…..

Apologies, I have been away panic buying fairy lights and fingerless gloves. I am hoping that the fairy lights will perk me up during the endless Winter of 2021 – 2024, just like they did during the endless Winter of 2014 – 2018. I have made preparations for the knee deep mud, and the inevitable Beast from the East, which will hit the UK for an afternoon in March. I have also made my garden a TRAMPOLINE FREE ZONE – bouncers beware.

Meanwhile, I have cobbled a collage together from bits of old newspaper and a vintage map of London.

Let us have a closer look at the news story from about the late 1950’s…
Click to make big.

If only news stories were as innocuous as this in 2021!

The woman poking her tongue out in the photograph is my Grandmother. She appears to be doing a Miley Cyrus impersonation…

The Blue family are always ahead of the times, and with this in mind I suggest that all of my readers go forth and buy fairy lights, as come 1st December the shelves will be bare of all Christmas decorations aside from two streaks of threadbare tinsel, and a grubby angel with wonky wings. You were warned.

New Post!!!!

…..or is it?

IS IT??? No seriously, it isn’t really. It is a holding post. I post that is to pop up to say: I am still here, but I am working through ‘stuff’, so I am not here really. I am kind of convinced that nobody else is here either. All gone.

Well, this all makes perfect sense.

I miss my mum.

I am in denial re Christmas, and the general election.

Here is one of my collages:-


I have been accepted to sell my wares on the new British Craft House website. I am HERE, but I am having problems setting up the payment whatnots… and what with the Etsy shop as well I am feeling like I’ve opened a small shopping precinct, and none of it feels right. All these marketing people are very jolly, and bouncy, and overexcitable, and I simply feel ill at ease and uncomfortable.

I don’t know what I am doing really. I just want to go somewhere and have a good cry. Then I’m sure I will feel better.


My dad died yesterday. So I will be away for a while having a good cry.

Exciting News!!! Shop now open!!!

Iam now available to buy on Etsy!!! Not me personally [that would be illegal], but my collages. It has taken me forever to make enough collages, photograph them all, and then tackle the steep learning curve that is Etsy, and although my shop isn’t the slickest in town, it is open, and it’s enough for now. I have added a link on my sidebar.

Shop now open!!

Other news: I have been scrubbing. My house is now a dust free zone, and I have very shiny taps. I had let things slide a little since March and I suddenly snapped – my inner domestic goddess came alive and found there was fun to be had with a flexible hose and a long-nosed crevice attachment. She even moved the furniture.

So that’s what I’ve been doing. Apologies for the blog neglect. I am back now.