Tag Archives: mixed media

New Post!!!!

…..or is it?

IS IT??? No seriously, it isn’t really. It is a holding post. I post that is to pop up to say: I am still here, but I am working through ‘stuff’, so I am not here really. I am kind of convinced that nobody else is here either. All gone.

Well, this all makes perfect sense.

I miss my mum.

I am in denial re Christmas, and the general election.

Here is one of my collages:-


I have been accepted to sell my wares on the new British Craft House website. I am HERE, but I am having problems setting up the payment whatnots… and what with the Etsy shop as well I am feeling like I’ve opened a small shopping precinct, and none of it feels right. All these marketing people are very jolly, and bouncy, and overexcitable, and I simply feel ill at ease and uncomfortable.

I don’t know what I am doing really. I just want to go somewhere and have a good cry. Then I’m sure I will feel better.


My dad died yesterday. So I will be away for a while having a good cry.

Sunday Music – The Map Version

There has been much chatter across the blogs in the past week about having some sort of celebration of cartography. Mr Devine started it HERE. WE ALL WANT TO MAKE MAPS NOW. Especially Dinah. And me. My proposition is that during the month of July, those of us who are interested, make some sort of map. And it can be about anything – gardens; groynes; coastal erosion; a personal, yet musical journey from 1978 to 1983; how a local bakery displays its cakes; a map of your progress through 24hrs [especially if you stay indoors]; or a chart of the best way through your local supermarket. Think big, think small. Post every day about maps, or post just once, it doesn’t matter, think of it as ‘show and tell’. Oh, and it can be physical, or digital – anything goes!

In other news: I have opened a shop!!! On this blog!! Yes, please feel free to give me money, and in return I will give you a piece of nice water colour paper with more bits of paper stuck on it. But, please don’t all rush at once as the shop isn’t well stocked, but I do hope to fill it with more of this sort of thing:-

Interactive Collage!!!

This is my first interactive collage – made from recycled blog posts and a removable vintage crossword puzzle.

…and without the vintage crossword.

I really think that I have now mastered this marketing malarkey. Charmaine begs to differ.

FINALLY, what you have ALL been waiting for. The Sunday Music…..

Sunday Music – The Going Private Version

Iam under attack from spammers, and receiving over 100 spam comments per hour. Apparently an IP address from the Ukraine has me in their sights and will not leave me alone. Is it because I went all official in my previous post? Did the word ‘crumpet’ lure them to my door? Are they desperate for crumbs? Are they desperate for information regarding the Battle of Hastings and feel cheated when they arrive here to find nothing of the sort? Should I fight them off with Twiglets? I don’t know. I am considering going private to shake them off. If I do, it won’t be for long.

I have also felt under attack from the rain as every time I set foot out of the house I get a good soaking. I AM NOT HAPPY. I mean, isn’t it supposed to be June? I have been lighting the wood burner in the evenings, I know, crazy talk.

News From the Mantelpiece

Bits of paper have been stuck together, there has been gilding, and there has even been a quick flourish of calligraphy…


Vintage Knocking


Bear Necessities


Paying the bills with a flourish…

And here is my offering for Sunday Music:-

Have a safe and happy week! And stay dry!


Registered First Class

Ihave been outside!! I know, crazy talk. I had a little trip to the coast and took a picture of the sea.

The rocky path to the sea…

Thankfully I did not break any bones whilst traversing the rocks. Though I did have an altercation with a seagull, which I turned to stone…. using superglue, obviously.

Turned to stone….

Meanwhile, back in the studio I am bordering on prolific as I have made another one of these….


It’s raw here…

Inspired by the icy weather at the weekend, I cut up some more vintage books to illustrate how I was feeling, and recycled a blog comment – we shouldn’t simply throw them away, should we? They will probably cause mayhem in the future if left abandoned all over the Blogosphere – think of the bots choking on the code!!


Keep your trousers on!!!

And, I decided my avatar would look fetching on a stamp….


First Class!!!!

Okay, Mr Devine, you can stop holding your breath now….