Tag Archives: blog

Please make it wear big pants and a knitting pattern would be nice…..

I am supposed to post something, as it is MY TURN, AND, I am supposed to be posting on my brand new Blogger Blogspot blog, but I find myself here, in my comfy old WordPress armchair, where I don’t have to worry about coding my photos to make them look sharp.
Mr Devine has already relegated this blog to the bottom of his sideboard under Days of Coven Past. A rash and foolish move, Mr Devine, because from where else can I launch a sideboard invasion??? From where else can knitting patterns take over your life??? Jon knows me better, he has kept a link to this blog on his blogroll.

The reality of giving up this blog has set in. I can’t. Too much has happened here for me to simply pack my bags and walk away. Over the years there has been talk of wind, and trampolines; of bathmats and tambourines; broken promises and dreams – I have had sleepless nights over it – how can I abandon such an insightful commentary to the dustbin of the internet???? And, there have been chaps like this, dressed appropriately for the typical British summer…

Isn’t he huggable??!
Anyhow, I am here for now, but I may also pop up on Blogger, if the mood suits.

Tune in next time for: The Instructions on Page 11

Quack, Quack.

Iknow!! It’s good isn’t it?!!! A couple of people may have noticed that over the last 72hrs I’ve been faffing around with the Wonky Words website. I have explored new templates, fiddled with fonts, and flirted with colour….but, I seem to have found myself, more or less, back where I started. A blog space has got to feel like home, hasn’t it? Somewhere you can plonk yourself down with a nice cup of tea and play with your rubber ducks. Does it matter that my blog header bears little relation to the content on the blog? I think not.

Along with faffing with the header I have tarted up a couple of pages, and trashed stuff that is out of date. So, okay, it’s not the biggest of overhauls, but it’s a start. There will be further faffing in the coming weeks as Wonky Words becomes the new permanent home for Loopy Letters. I cannot be doing with having two blogs. Loopy Letters is hosted on WordPress.org and every time I try to do something with it, like write a blog post, there are all these plug-in updates to deal with… and they usually end up crashing the site. Enough with it.

I am feeling jolly today, despite the rain, so I will finish with a tune…

You’ve got to make your own kind of Blogsite even if nobody else reads along… Soz.

Once in a Blue Moon

I have decided that in the interests of my ever diminishing blogging tribe that I will blog on a daily basis. Yes, get up off the floor, you read that right. Yes, Ms Scarlet, the blogger who turns up once every three months, waves her knickers in the air, types three lines of nothingness then buggers off into the sunset, is committing to being a daily blogger.

Why? Because I think it was/is the regular bloggers who kept us all going…. bloggers such as The Mistress. I am not saying that I will write anything interesting…. there might be a picture of a cow one day, some udders the next…. maybe a steaming cow pat now and then…. but it will be a blog where there is always something – however silly and irrelevant. Anyhow this is my plan.

I will leave you to ponder this earth shattering, faintly terrifying news and leave you with a tune…. a tune that always makes me think of Mr Coppens.

Empire of the Sun 'We are the People' from Josh Logue on Vimeo.