Whatever Happened….?

bottled up revenge

Bottled Revenge

“Whatever happened with the messages in bottles? I am new to this blog – so the answer may be posted somewhere – but I’m not sure what direction to go to find it.” Asked Jean, several posts ago.

As I read the question on my screen a single tear rolled down my cheek from my left eye. My right eye is somewhat lazy, not so prone to gratuitous displays of emotion and thus remained dry. I often think about the bottles and wonder if I should dust them down, discover what they were all about and follow the direction they were taking me. Even Charmaine is now burning with curiosity after she stumbled over them in a blog post way back in 2015. Thankfully her stumbling didn’t cause any breakages. No cuts. No grazes. No electrocutions.
Perhaps it is time to publish some explanatory notes? Perhaps now that everyone has lost interest, now that everyone is fevered with the evils of politics and buffered by the occasional hurricane, perhaps now it is time to examine the bottles in more detail?
Anyhow, it is something to ponder on…something to face.

36 thoughts on “Whatever Happened….?

  1. lisleman

    I recall the bottles but not clearly. This voodoo doll in a bottle looks news to me. I ventured over to your sidebar (I do wonder how many blog reader even glance over there) and opened the link to “about the weird bottle stuff”. I gather you never scattered the bottles across the land.
    I sense this bottle decision bewilders you. Even your left and right eyes can’t agree.
    Here’s an idea – along with your art drop a twenty pound note in them and start a contest.


  2. lisleman

    “new” not news – I just finished reading the paper. Also my contest idea would be just one bottle. I don’t have a clue how many exists.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dear Bill!!! You are talking of the Bottle of Greed…. the bottle that is filled with family heirlooms, and trinkets, and possibly a matchbox. It is buried beneath a carpark in a place called Mogwash! I will find a link to the post that refers to this when I am feeling less befuddled.


      1. lisleman

        a matchbox – interesting – you know we still have a few of those around here. Are we sitting on a small fortune? Now we don’t really “sit” on the matchboxes since that would destroy them. You know the matchbox might be of more interest than the bottle.


  3. dinahmow

    I have an embarrassing collection of bottles downstairs in my bin.I’d be happy to send them, but you’ll have to speak up sharpish as it’s bin day today. AKA the Day of Great Embarrassment When Dinah’s Bin is Emptied.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      But the postage fee would cost thousands, Dinah!! Think of the bubble wrap you would need! You will just have to order several cases of wine for me from a UK supplier… clear bottles only… And I will dispose of the contents. You know it makes sense.


  4. Inexplicable DeVice

    Oh, dear gods! Is that Black Shuck glowering behind the bottle?? You’ll need an industrial strength black bin bag on hand if you’re going to walk him (Sidney’s little poo-bags will certainly not be up to snuff).

    P.S. I loved all the bottled stuff – even though I was rubbish at working out what was going on and which bottle was used to bash Ms Scarlet over the head (or was it leg?) in the parlour…


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I know, Mr Devine! The black shuck appeared after I developed the photograph, it certainly wasn’t there beforehand…. and isn’t there now. These bottles are mysterious creatures, I am looking forward to seeing where they lead me next. I am also rubbish at working out what is going on with them.


  5. john mcadam

    Back when I was a youngster in Australia a person who carried a hessian bag and went around picking up beer bottles was called a bottl-o. If you are thinking about going back to the bottles do you have a hessian bag.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hello, Mr John! A hessian bag? Like the ones used in a sack race? I see no harm in acquiring one. I once thought about using hessian to make a sofa cover and matching curtains, but then thought better of it. Obviously I had been spending too much time on Pinterest.


  6. llcooljoe

    I didn’t have a clue about with the bottles but followed your link on the side bar. Was it an idea that never happened or did you create the bottles but never leave them in public places? Sounds like a cool idea.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      It is a very, very long story…. over 10,000 words at the last count. If you click the category called ‘bottled’, which should be below this post, then all the related posts will appear… back to front, as is the way with blogs.
      I will be scattering clues like confetti…. soon!


  7. savannah49

    Hello, Darling girl! I seem to have missed the original post (or maybe I read it and being as old as I am, just forgot.) anyway, (where was i?) yes, bottles? down here, all you hear on Tuesday with the recycling bin is emptied is the clang of bottles. I stopped trying to muffle the sound. So all of this to say, do as you must, dear girl! Send us an envelope with your lovely calligraphy or just continue to share the gorgeous script here on the blog. Oh, dear! I just looked up and there seems to be an answer that I missed. (where are my glasses?) xoxoxo


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hello lovely Savvy!! The bottled posts are numerous…. but it’s actually a simple plot with a lot of muddlement :-) I might actually remember to send you something this Christmas…. I might start on Christmas in October just to make sure!!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dear Mistress, I do enjoy walking the dog on recycling day and counting the number bottles my neighbours put out. Sometimes I am a little miffed that I wasn’t invited to the party.


  8. nick

    So you’re not going to explain? So you’ve bottled out? I mean, just how did you get a Jack Daniels bottle inside a second bottle? Charmaine is not the only one burning with curiosity.


  9. eroswings

    I haven’t thought about bottles in a while…by now, my friends know that when it comes to picking out or bringing a bottle of wine for a gathering, it’s a safe bet that I’m choosing a white wine, a Riesling…goes well with any occasion, helping to make friends and bring joy in plenty of situations.

    I have kept several empty wine bottles…because I like their colors and shapes.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      They used to be on my mantlepiece, Lulu, I was told that if I ever wanted to sell my house I’d have to hide them. I think they used to frighten people.


  10. Eryl Shields

    The bottles have escaped me, but now my curiosity will keep me up all night reverse reading your posts. Perhaps I better open a bottle now to see me through, there may be some sherry under the sink. XXX


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I think you’ll need more than one bottle to get through all those posts…. and then a nice lie down… and possibly some painkillers!!! I have to read it all again…. I have the Ibruprofen ready.

      Liked by 1 person


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