Three Sentences and a Photo….

I went to Bude yesterday – did I take a photo of the wonderful vista of the Atlantic Ocean glistening on the horizon as we approached the town, or did I take a very bad photo of a stuffed bird perched in the window of a curiosity shop for Mitzi?

Shop window in Bude

I was trying to get background objects into the shot, but the sun defeated me. Meanwhile, does anyone need a whale vertebra?

Ack. I need to write another sentence. I also went to Homeleigh Garden centre to buy Geraniums, and they had these huge log baskets on casters – I was entranced. It was in this moment that I realised that my old lady thing is going to be self propelling items of furniture….. but it’s on wheels, I muttered over and over.
I would link to the baskets but the Homeleigh website is as insane and confusing as the place itself. Every Homeleigh is as big as a small village – you can spend days in there as you desperately search for exit signs. The store at Launceston even has its own hairdressers!
Soz, I was only aiming for three sentences and seem to have gotten rolled away…

23 thoughts on “Three Sentences and a Photo….

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Mags – Thankfully, Dinah turned up very quickly to answer your query! I have no idea what this breed of bird is!! But it is not on wheels, so that’s disappointing.



  1. dinahmow

    Oh! flamin’ eck! I wonder if I confused Mr Mags when I sent him some singing/ chattering kookaburras? I think what you have in this shop window is some sort of pigeon.

    But I’m not an expert! I did try to look at the Homeleigh site, but “other people” kept asking if they could bring their dogs.

    Bugger! Now I’m confused. Mr Mago, is there room on your fainting couch for two?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah – Maybe the Taxidermist combined a pigeon with a Robin?

      Other people are always asking to bring their dogs, it’s a modern day phenomenon that I’m familiar with. I have bought a lot of throws as a consequence.

      Please be aware that I have attached wheels to the fainting couch – so no jigging about if you’re sharing.


      Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mistress Mads – I know! I was looking at the price tags and thinking that the curiosity shop could do with some Gothic labelling? I might enquire next time I’m in the area.

      I think you yourself could do anything with a whale vertebra and it would be stylish, and worthy of a novel, or a chat show!!



    1. Scarlet Post author

      Savvy – I would like to touch a Dodo feather, but I wouldn’t pay money to own one! The shop had an ancient typewriter in the window as well, I can’t say I wasn’t tempted – round keys – gorgeous – I might go back!


  2. IDV

    No thanks to the wahle vertebra, but I’ll take the frog skeleton. I think it used to be somebody who crossed paths with me.

    P.S. The bird looks like a crow that’s been painted to look like a robin. Slightly more convincing than that animatronic American robin that perched on Mary Poppins’ finger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – I thought it was a frog, but I wasn’t sure. Thank you for clearing that one up.
      Yes, that bird is definitely a combination – I still think it was a pigeon and robin sewn together.
      Mary Poppins’ finger will probably turn up in that shop, and you what damage that could do!


  3. Mitzi

    Thank you Scarlet for my lovely erm… yes, thank you Scarlet. I’ll go to Coniston next week and find something for you. There is definitely something not right with that bird, two species cobbled together like the Fiji Mermaid. I’m quite taken with the toad/frog skeleton, I wonder what they made with it’s body, an old fashioned coin purse with clasps? I’m curious to know about the history of that dress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mitzi – I shall look forward to something special from Coniston!
      Yes, the dress – probably someone’s Sunday best, or the frock that came out for high days and holidays. It doesn’t seem like the sort of dress to have been abandoned carelessly on many bedroom floors, more likely that it’s starred in a few formal photographs and had a companion hat.


  4. melaniereynolds

    That picture immediately made me think of the 1987 movie Mannequin where the mannequin (Kim Cattrall) comes to life at nights or only for the guy who made her. Here we see her in the window, froze until closing time when she will once again chase after the noisy bird. One could also consider it a low-budget version of Night at the Museum, now that I think about it.

    Over at Proxima’s I was just lamenting the closing of our big, beautiful garden center.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Melanie – Oh, I enjoyed that film! And I like the idea of inanimate objects having an after dark life without us humans interfering with them.

      The weird thing about Homeleigh Garden Centre is that it’s more homestyle than garden! It sells anything and everything – upmarket, downmarket, wood alongside plastic, and it is massive. It reminds me of the 1980s due to the excess. I usually end up overwhelmed within 5 minutes of setting foot inside and need to get out pretty smartish. I went in there once and allowed myself to be overwhelmed – I was in there for 5 hours.


      Liked by 1 person

  5. Scarlet Post author

    Mr Peenee – I know, right!! Also, no one has questioned the Old Lady Thing!! Nobody has stepped in and denied the possibility of me reaching old lady status! Hurtful.



  6. Jon

    Not sure what’s the most freaky – the mutant hybrid bird, the frog and whale bones or the frock…

    Don’t worry about the “old lady thing”. We had a wheely shopping trolley before Madam Acarti’s late mum did!

    Needless to say, we adore gigantic garden centres – one near us I blogged about before is like a Westfields or Trafford Centre for plants – but those types, where you have to pass through miles of garden furniture, plastic ornaments, toys and clothing before you see anything resembling a real plant leave me a bit cold.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Jon – Unfortunately that’s what Homeleigh Garden Centre is like – everything but the kitchen sink, and then a bit of greenery!
      I am still fantasising about the log basket on wheels! Wheels are so useful.



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