Tag Archives: journal

Something New…

Question: What is one new thing I’d like to try?

I might be appalling at posting on my blog, but I do keep an online journal where I usually respond to a daily prompt, plus, I have taken at least one photograph a day for well over a year – usually of the scenery. Taking photos of the scenery has become something of an obsession. It began because I was sometimes finding my walks dull and repetitive, so I challenged myself to take a photo each day. I started looking around for photograph fodder and became more aware of the changing seasons, and how the weather can alter a scene completely – rain, mist, and fog are no longer always my enemies!

From 13/10/22

And from last week…

There is now always something new to look at even though I’m more or less beating the same track everyday.
Anyhow, I have decided that when I’m stuck for a post I can make it all very easy with a prompt and a picture.

Answer: I would like to try being really, really rich.


How snotty does this line sound:-

…..actually I do write every day, but I choose not to share.

How rude!!! [It is from my previous post] I did not intend to be rude. Or snotty. Or anything in particular. We all choose what we share, usually the best bits, but today I am going to show you that you’re not missing anything exciting from me by sharing a page from my journal. ‘Journal’ makes it sound like I am penning intense, thoughtful thoughts; that I am secretly being philosophical; that I am sat beneath a willow tree on a summer’s day wearing a billowing white frock, and seeking inspiration from cloud formations. I am not. I am instead recording that I had fish finger sandwiches for tea….



….or Codfanglers, as Mistress Maddie would call them. Also worth noting is that when left to my own devices I spell ‘recommend’ quite differently to how I do when I’m typing, there may have been an ‘a’ in there somewhere. It was early, whatever.

In my next post I will be bringing you my notes from a visit to an art gallery; a shopping list; and an example of extreme fandom – all in the interests of sharing. Bet you can’t wait.