Tag Archives: shelves


I seemed to have missed Valentine’s Day. Apologies. Obviously I love you, though possibly not enough to give you my last Rolo, and certainly not enough to give you anything from Lindt or Thorntons.
I am still suffering from global angst…. local angst…. and household angst. The garden angst is beginning thanks to the biggest Bumble Bee EVER chasing me across the lawn this morning. Why is it even awake??? It is foggy outside, but the bee is drawn to the exotic scent from the bloomers at the bottom of my garden. There are flowers, which I can’t identify, bursting forth from my Devon bank. I will take a photograph when I remember. Please don’t get too excited.

Meanwhile, I have been reading, and the tomes are now stacking up to be photographed on a chair, but before I do this I will come bang up to date and join in with the showing of shelves – an organised meme started by Mr Devine, and continued by Mr Lax, Dinah, The Very Mostest Mistress and, Mitzi. I hope I haven’t missed anyone??

These are my shelves:-

book shelves


Click to make big, etc. I do have more books, but they are kept hidden in the larder cupboard and the sideboard…. and there are also piles of calligraphy books, which are kept in piles around this room for easy access. Perhaps I will photograph these for my next post along with my bloomers??

Last night I watched the new drama SS-GB, which was about what might have happened if the Germans had won The Battle of Britain. I fell asleep. It was deadly dull in comparison to Apple Tree Yard. To be fair it was deadly dull in comparison to Call the Midwife….

Anyhow, the fog is slightly brighter now and so I am away to wander down dale, and up the khyber, over the meadows and under the mizzle.

Laters, mes amis.