Blurry Pics and Poo Bags

As promised for this Monday morning I bring you a picture of some cows….


Morning Walk

I am not brilliant at photography, and, to be honest, due to the way the light was hitting the screen on my phone I had absolutely no idea how this picture was going to come out, all I could see was black, so I aimed the camera in the general direction of the cows and hoped for the best. Agreed, it may be a little blurry but this is because I had Sid tugging on the end of a lead causing me to wobble and the freshly used poo bag to bounce against my thigh – oh the glamour!
Anyhow, to prove that the cows are in the picture I have a cropped image for your perusal.



For your interest, my house is behind the tree on the left.

Tomorrow: Incontinence Pads – Who Should Pay??? A nitty-gritty exposure on the horrors of being a resident in a British nursing home.

51 thoughts on “Blurry Pics and Poo Bags

  1. batarde

    Oooo-er. Silly really, but I’ve yet to be persuaded that the intentions of cattle are entirely friendly. In short they give me the heebeejeebies. Citronella says that I’m being daft, but d is the better part of v and so forth. Do take care on your perambulations Scarlet, won’t you?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Well, Mr Batarde, if you get in their way when they are spooked then they will probably trample you…. but they are usually just chewing the cud, and philosophising about Donald Trump, so they are mostly harmless.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Eryl – thankfully it stayed dry until I got home and it chucked it down this afternoon… I often do get caught it a downpour…. but that’s a good excuse for extra biscuits.


      1. Scarlet Post author

        You are spooling us with the omelettes, Mr Devine…. I break too many eggs trying to remember where to find the….. hang on a sec…. what is this spooling of omelettes??? Anyhow, what is wrong with a good old fashioned MOO???!


      2. Inexplicable DeVice

        Ah. Maybe I over-egged the umlaut omelette, or something?
        That example did work, Mago. I also listened to a Space Ship Door Opening – which, apparently, sounds similar to a cow mooing. It didn’t sound like any cow I’ve ever heard, but I haven’t heard any Scandinavian cows moo…


      3. Scarlet Post author

        Okay, I get it…. next time I will record the cows. They make an interesting sound when they are in the neighbouring field late at night…. I will make a note to start a Guess the Sound competition.


  2. dinahmow

    A cow stepped on my foot.I never knew there could be so much blood in one toe! Actually, it was no longer *in* the toe, but in my shoe.
    I wonder why the farmer’s gate is held up by a bit of string…
    Maybe it’s a sad reflection of the economy?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      And let us not forget that a donkey once stood on me, Dinah! No blood though. Did your toe recover completely?
      Devon farmers make do and mend…. I think it would be like this whatever the economy was doing. Sometimes they make do and mend with dire consequences, I have heard some horrific tales featuring electricity…. and electrocution.


  3. Inexplicable DeVice

    I’m just happy that we got pictures of the cows (however murderous, or not, they may be) rather than the poo bag!
    Your photo-taking-with-phone sounds an awful lot like my own endeavours with Phone (and Camera, to some degree). The Point and Pray method can certainly produce some surprising results…


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I know, Mr Devine!! It’s thrilling to come home and find the black screen actually made a half decent picture!
      I will keep the poo bags to myself, and let us be grateful that I don’t have a scratch and sniff blog.


    2. Inexplicable DeVice

      I am very grateful. Although, I can see (smell?) the scratch-n-sniff technology being used to wild abandon at The Very Mistress’s when it does become available (although I think LX may have to assist The Mistress with its installation).


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Where is Mr Lax? Has he fainted at the sight of two posts from Wonky Words popping up in his feed reader? Does he need the smelling salts? I hope he is okay.


    1. lisleman

      freshly used poo bag bounce – now that could be a disgusting new dance. However possibly not as disgusting as an essay on Incontinence Pads.
      Nice looking cows – that’s no bull.


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Bill – Thankfully the plug has been pulled regarding the essay on incontinence pads and the idea has been flushed.
        The cows are very well looked after in Devon!


    2. lisleman

      I’m not sure why the comment arranger thing put my previous comment under this one above. I do like that new title for a possible Karen Carpenter parody song.


  4. lisleman

    trying again
    freshly used poo bag bounce – now that could be a disgusting new dance. However possibly not as disgusting as an essay on Incontinence Pads.
    Nice looking cows – that’s no bull.


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Are you looking for today’s post, Mr Devine? *shuffles about uneasily* Okay…. I decided I needed a rest…. but I have something stupid planned for tomorrow :-)
        Plus, Jean has started me thinking about those damn bottles again and my inner pain due to never finishing that sorry tale.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Squirrel – Several times I have popped out to the shops for a pint of milk only to be delayed by a herd of cows moving from field to parlour – oh the irony!


  5. jean wilson

    what ever happened with the messages in bottles?
    i am new to this blog – so the answer may be posted somewhere – but i’m not sure what direction to go to find it.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hello Jean!!
      Ah… the bottles… Yes…. like with most things I ran out of steam… BUT, they may be resurrected very soon… or dug up. To be fair they are always on my mind, so maybe one day I will finish off the sorry tale. Everything related to them is under the Tag:Bottled – HERE
      As with all blogs the newest post will be on top and the whole thing will make even less sense!!


  6. Mitzi

    I adore cows, lovely placid creatures. My old house used to back onto Beverley Westwood where bulls are free to roam, I’d often get the odd straggler coming into the garden to take advantage of my lavender hedge. I used to coax it out with a slice of bread before it shat everywhere.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mitzi – I always make sure I close my gate…. I have seen the odd straggler in the lane eyeing up my potted mint…. and as I have said at Mr Lax’s – Sid eats EVERYTHING!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Honestly Jon!!! I saw a calf born in a field earlier in the year…. I was walking passed and it just popped out – brought a tear to my eye as all the other cows gathered round. I no longer eat beef, or lamb.


  7. Pingback: Whatever Happened….? | Wonky Words

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