Tag Archives: Devon

All Quiet…..

Sshhhhhh….. all the bloggers are sleeping, except for dear Jon – who is entertaining me with Blue Peter presenters and Postmodern Jukebox vibes, and lovely Mr Swings – who likes to share his dinners. It is quiet out there.

And what do I have to offer? Insightful views on Brexit? Non. My opinion on bralets? Oui, trés bon. Gilding antics? Yes!


Finally…something on its way to Savannah.

Tiny bears? Yes, I have tiny bears!!


Here’s one I made earlier….

And, I have a big blue autumnal sky over Devon….


Big sky….

I will finish with a random comment left on a vintage Scarlet Blue post back in 2011.

So glad the knickers will be clean.
I remember being quite taken by the Borg, especially at Wimbledon in the late 70s.

Blurry Pics and Poo Bags

As promised for this Monday morning I bring you a picture of some cows….


Morning Walk

I am not brilliant at photography, and, to be honest, due to the way the light was hitting the screen on my phone I had absolutely no idea how this picture was going to come out, all I could see was black, so I aimed the camera in the general direction of the cows and hoped for the best. Agreed, it may be a little blurry but this is because I had Sid tugging on the end of a lead causing me to wobble and the freshly used poo bag to bounce against my thigh – oh the glamour!
Anyhow, to prove that the cows are in the picture I have a cropped image for your perusal.



For your interest, my house is behind the tree on the left.

Tomorrow: Incontinence Pads – Who Should Pay??? A nitty-gritty exposure on the horrors of being a resident in a British nursing home.

Promises, promises…..

Well, I did say I would return this week [or was it last week? I have no idea.] Life is complex at the minute, but I would like to re-engage with my blog friends. I will ease myself back gently.

Firstly, I took this pic last week whilst walking Sidney…yes, I do call him Sidney now… and I thought of Mr Devine and his epic coastal travels, which I have always envied – all those cormorants and groynes and lashings of ocean – it is just not fair, BUT, I do have a lot of this sort of thing going on….


Morning walkies…

Secondly, I have been faffing around with collage and calligraphy. I have so many scraps, including scraps of stories…. so I thought I’d make some jolly storyboards to send to people. You might recognise the tiny text, it is from an old blog post that had nothing to do with being down in a quarry.


