
Oh Dear…

Well, we all knew it was going to happen, it is Wednesday – my regular posting day – and I have nothing to say…. blah, blah, blah. Can’t be bothered to take pictures of calligraphy… can’t be bothered to do the uploading pictures thing, so I am just sitting here caressing the keyboard in an indiscriminate manner, which is nice.

On Sunday I did some light gardening, and found a live electricity cable only two inches beneath the lawn, I also found a well by the backdoor. I think it’s a groundwater well, it seems to be about 13ft deep, which might come in handy if I ever have anything large to hide.

Other significant news….

I am letting my hair go grey. This is not technically correct, what I mean is that I have not had my hair coloured since late February, and I am still having regular cuts, so at the sides my hair looks like grey pencil shading whilst the top is still colourful-ish. I look like some old rag-tailed ginger mog, but it seems to suit…?! And I can’t say I’ve missed sitting in the salon with foils all over my bonce, reading Hello! magazine. I am not sure how far I will go with this, but feel that if I don’t like it, it will be easy to dye blonde. I am not brave enough to show you pictures. It feels mildly rebellious to go grey. I have been studying women of my age and pondering whether the grey ones really do look any older than the ones that still colour. Sometimes hair colour can look very harsh, unflattering, and ageing. I like the idea of having grey hair and red lipstick, but I’m not sure if I’m sophisticated enough to pull off this look.

And this is why I usually plot and plan my posts, the world is going to hell in a handbag, and I am musing over the colour of my hair. I have deleted the paragraph about nail varnish, I will save it for another time. It feels strange to post without a photograph, so I have added one. Thank goodness for the photoshop app on my iPad – so much cheaper than botox!! And yes one of my ears is higher than the other, hence my glasses are always wonky, and yes I do have a lazy eye, and yes I am going boss eyed…

Thoughts regarding hair colour are welcome.

48 thoughts on “Oh Dear…

  1. dinahmow

    Ooh! A new banner.In colour, too! You and Mr Lx… hmmm, would it be indiscreet to ask questions?
    As to the colouring of hair….I say do whatever makes you feel good.I had my hair “tied in knots” as The Man likes to say, meaning I’ve had my curly bits chemically enhanced.The colour is still the same streaky blonde-grey. If I could think of a way to claim tax rebate I
    might change it.
    PS remember to turn off electricity before digging!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I think it was Mr Devine who started the ‘fiddling with the header’ trend. We are all at it now. Next week I will be twiddling with my footers.
      I will probably just have highlights… I can’t imagine not having some colour up top, and I’ve always liked a flick of bleach, but I am intrigued with the sides of my head, which look almost white now.
      Yes, I am now wearing rubber whenever I go outside, it seems to be the safest option!


  2. Princess

    Thanks for the heads up Miss scarlet on your old Blog.. I knew that you were here I just haven’t updated my blogroll since ever… I usually vist via Mr DeVines… he keeps up to date.
    Go grey gracefully the Empress says…


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thank you, Prinny! It might be the first time I ever do anything gracefully!
      I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing with my blogging activities, but I seemed to have settled into a weekly habit… the posts don’t always make sense, but I am turning up at the screen 🙂


  3. IDV

    From what I can see I like the “look” – You remind me of Janine from Ghostbusters (a compliment – I love Janine!).
    Grey/white hair can look very sophisticated – on a man or a woman, although I find that a scruffy ‘do (even if deliberate) can be ageing, or at least alert the observer as to the ‘do wearer’s actual age. But, then, too much coiffing of grey can also make one appear older. Arrrgh! Don’t listen to me as I’m no help whatsoever. If you’re happy with your grey (and want to try out that “with red lipstick look”), do it. And show us the pictures when you do! Moving on…

    Does your well contain water? And where does the electricity cable come from/lead to? Do you have a strange switch in your house that doesn’t seem to turn anything on or off? Do you have an underground lair at the bottom of the garden?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh yes, Mr Devine!!! I would love to look like Annie Potts!! This is a complement indeed. Way back when she was my role model for when she appeared in Pretty in Pink – HERE. She and Jon Cryer stole that movie.
      You are a help, I think whatever the hair colour that the overall appearance is down to the attitude of the wearer… and then age falls away and becomes irrelevant. It’s a curious thing.
      Yes, there is water at the bottom of the well… hopefully it will stay there… and the cable…. grrr… is how the previous owner saw fit to supply electricity to the workshop. I was just about to call it a workhouse – Charmaine’s new residence 🙂


    2. IDV

      Yes, THAT’S how you should do your hair! Although, be careful not to let it get too Centauri.

      I’d dig up that cable, if I were you. After all, I’m sure you wouldn’t want Charmaine spoiled with such creature comforts as electricity?


  4. 63mago

    Oh what lovely exposure !
    Greying temples have something sophisticated. At least I’m told. I am a bit sceptical about this when I look at my head, where the colour of the last surviving hair slowly turns from mouse-brown to mouse-grey. One day I’ll hit the bottle and will turn it into Inferno-Red or something.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      What is this beverage that turns hair Inferno Red, Mr Mags??? It sounds much more fun than sitting in a salon.
      Yes, I am sceptical about whether I will look sophisticated… looking sophisticated sounds like it’ll be a lot of work… hence a scattering of highlights every now and again might be in order.


  5. Exile on Pain Street

    Damn, baby, it’s hard to keep track of you. Thanks for the link.

    Why do you pressure yourself to write? It’s Wednesday. So what? Relax don’t do it. When you want to go to it. Relax don’t do it. When you want to come.

    Dina is right. Nice banner.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Monsieur Pain, ack, well you knew I was here!
      Why do I pressure myself to write a post every Wednesday? I do this because I have the self motivation of a corpse. I am happiest doing absolutely nothing… and without a few self imposed rules this is what I would do. I am probably the laziest person you will ever come across, but thankfully I have enough personal insight to know that I need a self imposed routine otherwise I would drift seamlessly from second to second in a blurry haze of non achievement.


      1. Scarlet Post author

        I can do that for a while… but after several weeks I just end up plain depressed 🙂 So, blogging is part of my depression cure.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I am praying that mine comes through white in the fringe area, Jacqui. My hair has been far too dark for the past year, and people have been commenting that I look better now that it’s been fading to grey. No harm trying… as Ponita says, we can always dye it if we don’t like it 🙂


  6. lx

    Wonderful header pix! I’m sure the grey will be a killer look … although I do honestly have to say that I will miss the ginger references!

    PS: I don’t care what color my hair is as long as it stays in place!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Same here, Mr Lax, I’m partly grateful that I still have a thick head of hair… can’t say the same for my eyebrows… AND I NEVER OVER PLUCKED!!!! So why are they threadbare?????


  7. lisleman

    My is opinion is probably A Few Clicks Short of a Pageview. I can’t help it ‘bout the shape I’m in. I can’t sing, I ain’t pretty and my legs are thin. But don’t ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer you want me to.
    That last part comes from a favorite song title “Oh Well”. I like those lyrics and seldom do I find a post that I could apply them in the comment.


  8. Ponita

    Go with the grey and see how you feel as it grows in more on top. I have rarely even highlighted my hair. I’ve never been one to fuss much… I prefer the wash and wear variety! I am getting a fair bit of grey right at the front and several of the younger women I work with commented on my ‘highlights’ one day. I had to laugh! My natural colour is dark ash blonde, although (coming from a family that is 50% gingers) I do have noticeable red hairs scattered about my head. As I get more grey, the dark blonde is disappearing and some of the red is more obvious. I am quite liking the grey as it comes in, though. So give grey a go, and definitely try a shade of red lipstick that suits your complexion! And yes, do take photos. I am sure you will be just gorgeous!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh Ponita! Going grey is one thing, but being brave enough to post pics of myself is another… but I might. It should be all grey by Christmas, so maybe a Christmas surprise.
      I am almost a wash and go woman, but I occasionally like to fiddle with it… I’d hate a style that demanded attention everyday, so short is best!
      And my red bits are the bits that seem to be fading to white…


  9. Grouchy

    A very snappy photo, sweet Scarlet. I say go natural as long as someone doesn’t hand you their laundry to do, or a broom and dust bin. The well you discovered got my attention.There could be Roman coins downs there. Rent a metal detector. You could be wealthier then you are now!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Grouchy, I reckon there’s more likely a second world war bomb down there!! But, I like your suggestion… I would like to know more about my well.
      There is another suspicious hollow area at the front of the house – coal cellar? Bomb shelter? Hopefully not more water!


  10. Leni Qinan

    Oh my, what a beautiful picture Scarlet! And I love your glasses!
    Grey is not granny hair anymore. It’s trendy now. And that touch of red lipstick would be the best! It only takes time to check it out on yourself. And that touch of red lipstick would be the best! Look at Khaleesi of Game of thrones… Her silver hair rocks!
    But if you don’t like it… you can always dye it again. 😉


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I know, Leni!! Have you looked on Pinterest? The grey hair trend is booming. I was considering letting it go natural and then this trend really caught my imagination. No harm giving it a whirl as it’s my natural colour now 🙂


  11. lulu

    Yikes! about the electric cable – I guess you’ll just have to plant bulbs. Grey hair can look great, I bet it looks fab on you xxx


  12. savannah49

    try low lights while you’re letting your hair go grey, sugar. my BFF does it and her hair is stunning! i tried once, but being too lazy and also, too cheap (financially!) to drop cash and time, it was just a one time deal. i do love your pic! try the red lipstick, i’m betting you’ll love the way it looks! xoxoxoxo


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh yes, Savvy!! I have seen the low lighting on Pinterest and I’m going to give it a whirl. I just don’t want to do the all over thing any more – it takes forever, and salon chairs are so uncomfortable.
      All this change – it’s like being a teenager again.


  13. Mitzi Carte-Blanche

    Hello Scarlet, I popped by earlier on, then I remembered I had to be elsewhere and now I’ve popped back. So this is where you’ve been hiding all this time. Have you tried TAAZ it lets you down load a picture of yourself so you can faff around with your hair colour and make-up to your heart’s content. My advice is wait until you are 60 and then let yourself go. My mother did, she is 69 now and is one of those “Proud to be grey” types, only her hair isn’t grey, it’s pure white and you can see her pink scalp through it, it looks like she has a nest of baby mice perched on top of her head, and if you smoke, do you really want to have a yellow fringe? I’m not a fan of grey hair, but if you do decide to go through that route, use “Touch Of Silver” twice a week it will keep the brassiness at bay.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thank you, Ms Carte, I shall be playing with TAAZ tonight, if I ever manage to take a decent headshot of myself.
      I would like to be white, white would be fine… and between you and I, I have never been ginger… I fear that I have just been tobacco stained 😦


  14. Rose

    I hear you about supposed to be posting regularly…me too.

    As for the grey…do it! If you get fed up of it, you can always run back to the salon.

    Personally, I’m growing my hair out of the short cut so I can dye it blue. I’m enjoying my mid-life crisis.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, Ms Rose, I think I am enjoying the mid-life crisis too!! It’s barking mad, but I feel more experimental with hair and make-up now… maybe it’s because I’m pretty sure no-one is looking at me!!
      Yep, I think blue will suit you and you’re braver than me so there will be pics 🙂


  15. Peter Wells aka Countingducks

    If that really is you, and who am I to say it isn’t you look absolutely fine and dandy and full of character which is how I’ve always thought of you. When deciding how good a meal is I often invoke the “Time to Taste” ratio, and with looks I think of the appearance to time ratio, so a nice head of hair with “highlights” supplied by natures best attendants seems a pretty good way to go. If you remember Meryl Streep in “The Devil Wears” etc, she looked pretty glamorous and her glasses were not nearly as smart as yours 🙂


  16. Scarlet Post author

    Oh yes, Mr Ducks, this is me! But with a bit of a wink and a nod from my iPad photoshop app 🙂 I have a button that ‘reduces noise’, it seems that as we age we get too much noise on our faces. That’s all it is, noise.
    Oh crikey, yes, Meryl Streep, she did look fab!! Somehow I don’t think I’m going to look as good as her! But I do have better glasses 🙂


  17. Z

    I was chatting to my hairdresser the other day about going grey and the pros and cons of colouring. Her view, like mine, is that it’s all a lot of faff. Once you start, it’s not so easy to give up. So I’m going to let it go wherever it wants to.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hello Z!!
      Oh you are lucky! I started going obviously grey in my early thirties. In my twenties I dyed my hair for fun, and then in my thirties I continued so as to cover the grey. My grey now seems to be fairly even throughout [though still darkish at the back], it looks like it might be going white… I am going to try to work with what I’ve got now 🙂


  18. Linda

    I had the colour cut off my hair and as it’s grown I was surprised to find its a completely different colour to what I remembered.
    It also has gone straight. Something it’s never been. I does have some grey in it but I can’t really see it so I shall ignore it. Mind you I only have half as the meds are making it thin. Perhaps it’s the grey half that’s fallen out?!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hello Linda!!! Meds that don’t like grey hair?! There’s a thing! I am trying to convince myself that I am actually turning blonde and not grey – I swear that in some light it does look blonde! Yep, I agree, I am deluding myself 🙂



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