Here are the Answers…..

Yep. Here are THE answers to the Quickwits quiz from the previous post….

As before, click to make enormous.

Well, that’s a bit dull isn’t it?! I think everyone who guessed, guessed correctly. And some even guessed better than correctly. So now I am here twiddling my thumbs with nothing much more to say about 1938.

To make it up to you I will give you some more answers, only this time you have to make up the questions! Yay! It’s party central here! I PROMISE that there are actual questions to these answers, and they are not just random words, names, and numbers that I’ve made up off the top of my head. PROMISE, PROMISE, PROMISE. I have turned over a new leaf. Well, I have this week.

Here are some more answers:-

1) 1981

2) A seal

3) Hacking computers

4) Sophia Loren

5) Sheep

6) 1974

There, that should do. Two of the questions are tricky, BUT, someone will know them. Oh, final answer:-

7) No.

I’m sure EVERYONE will know the question to that one – he asked it so often.

29 thoughts on “Here are the Answers…..

  1. lisleman

    1981 – the year of your birth – I thought you would like that response
    A seal – your favorite animal at the zoo
    Hacking computers – a skill you never could excel at but tried
    Sophia Loren – your distant cousin
    Sheep – your neighbors
    1974 – The year “The Voyage” starring your distant cousin and Richard Burton was released.
    No – the answer to my success on this quiz.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Inexplicable DeVice

    Oh! Oh!! The answers are all Blogorati-related! Aren’t they…?

    1. When was Jon 18? / What year featured in Jon’s latest timeslip moment?
    2. Me! It’s me!! Well, the seal isn’t me, but one does feature in my latest post, so is the question: Which animal features in Mr Devine’s latest post? (Unless it’s something to do with Mitzi’s French translation skills?)
    3. Can’t think of this one off the top of my head, but I do have a vague recollection of computer-related shennanigans. Ooh! Norma?! “What has Norma been up to lately?”
    4. Who would have played Alexis Morrell Carrington Colby Dexter etc etc if she hadn’t been vetoed/busy? I can’t remember whose blog I saw this on? Joan Collins has recently featured at Maddie’s, though.
    5. Mago! Which animals say “BÖÖÖÖh”?
    6. Oh, gosh, I don’t know this one.
    7. Well done Savvy!

    The answers to these questions are much better and more entertaining than the 1938 QuickWits (but only because I might have got one or two right..)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      You have done very well, Mr Devine!! I might do a quiz like this every month, it’d keep us all on our toes. I’m still recovering from Bill’s wild guess being so close…. And I’m not talking about 1981, sadly.


      1. lisleman

        “wild guess” – my answer was based research on your possible distant relative (is there not only 8 degrees of separation from Scarlet?) and found she made a movie in 1974. I’ll submit to an educated guess by an over-educated fellow. I’m impressed that many of your blog followers can recall past comments and postings so well. I forget my own postings. I’m not sure if says more about my postings or my memory. Whatever, guessing is fun.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Scarlet Post author

        Bill – Sophia made a few films in 1974 🙂
        Well, we have sharp memories, though I for one don’t think I can remember much further than 2 – 3 days ago.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. batarde

    Gosh. I don’t know what good paddling about in the stream would do if the murderer had taken the easy step of pushing his weapon into the bottom, but I’m not exactly Ellery Queen and prone to getting hold of the wrong e. of the s. Talking of which, the sticky-up thing still looks like the non-business end of an assegai to me, and if that’s the case and it’s embedded in the victim, there’s not a lot of point in getting one’s feet wet, is there? As for lamp-posts, bah.


    1) What is the square root of 3924351?
    2) What was the first prize in the 1970s game show, Seal of the Century?
    3) What is a sure sign that your IT system has been infected with a nasty virus?
    4) Who do I always get mixed up with Gina Lollobrigida?
    5) Hogget-whanging is a traditional Cumbrian sport, involving the hurling of what?
    6) In which year was “Brief Encounter” made?
    7) What is a common abbreviation for “number”?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Batarde – Are all your questions correct? Even though they are not my questions, I only ask this because you are right about Gina, I always muddle her with Sophia! I have no idea about square roots. What are square roots for in any case?


      1. batarde

        A couple of them are a little iffy: (5) in particular was a difficult answer to question. Square roots are frightfully handy for computing something to do with hippopotami, a maths teacher once told me.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. dinahmow

        Finally…something bout which I know a little! Let’s go back to when the Americans (as they are now known) took over the prairies and became farmers and built farm ouses with root cellars…still with me? Good. Root cellars were where they stored their root veg.before winter ruined everything.
        But then people thought little houses on the prairies were a daft idea and they built the little houses all over the map. But they didn’t allow room for cellars. So the Monsanto chaps and the politicians did some chicanery and invented square-ish root vegetables.
        Q E D

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Scarlet Post author

        Tsk. Apparently square roots are used by scientists. That will do. I shall remain satisfied with this simple answer. *Taps fingers on desk* Okay I will read a little more….. Nope….can’t get beyond the first sentence without dying a little inside. For anyone who wants to know more please read THIS.
        Let us not refer to this subject ever again.


  4. Nick Rogers

    Well, the questions are obviously as follows:

    1) In what year were Post It Notes launched?
    2) What animal is also known as a pinniped?
    3) What is Kevin Mitnick known for?
    4) By what name is Sofia Scicolone better known?
    5) What male animal is sometimes known as a tup?
    6) In what year did a pint of milk cost 4½p?
    7) Name a common negative that is also a number

    Do I get the prize?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      PRIZES?????? PRIZES????? First I have to deal with square roots and now, *splutters* I have to issue prizes???? Good grief, Nick, who do you think I am??? Am I some kind of calligrapher who likes addressing parcels to all and sundry????
      However, I like your questions – they are all wrong [no mention of Richard Burton for one thing], but you have used your wits, so I may consider you for a prize should I get around to fashioning some.


  5. 63mago

    Maybe IDV impressed us (2), Norma has a new hobby (3), and Mago found friends (5, “BÖÖÖÖh”) – but I am sorry for the other questions. I should read more blogs I guess …
    Did I win yet ?

    I blame the heat.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Mags – Heat???? What is this HEAT of which you speak???? Hopefully you will not be sweltering at 48.8 degrees like the Italians?
      You have done well. You might be considered for a prize.


      1. 63mago

        Oh those poor people. I think anything above 40°C is life threatening, really dangerous. I vaguely remember that there is a blood reaction possible, I may be wrong.
        We are lingering short before the 30°C mark, thankfully the nights see cooler temps (around 12°C). All forecasts say that the drop will come on Monday with the danger of some smallish storms imminent.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Mags – I think 25 degrees is my limit, I really suffer with temperatures above that – so yes, I feel for those who felt the heat.
      It has been cool in the UK – we have been practicing for Autumn – I’ve been getting my knitwear out of storage, AND wearing my vest.


  6. Mitzi

    1 Jon reminiscing about his lost youth.
    2 It’s IDV’s phoque in the sea.
    4 There is a photograph of this woman hanging off the wall of the Pinnochio restaurant in Benidorm, she’s pretending to eat a big plate of spaghetti… fat cow!
    5 Mago and his amazing sheep family at the slaughter house ‘turn around bright eyes’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mitzi – Where is Jon? He is obviously disbelieving of the idea that I could post twice in a single week!
      Please don’t send the sheep to the slaughter house – THEY WERE WAITING TO HAVE THEIR OWN DINNER!!! Not being turned into roast lamb – to be fair they looked a bit muttony.


      1. Jon

        That’s very weird – I posted a comment here yesterday, and it never showed up, it seems…

        Basically, I congratulated Mr IDV on being a “girly swot” with answers 1 and 2, but pointed out (before Melanie posted below) that I thought ProximaBlue would be the hacker referred to in answer 3, rather than Norma. However, I have no real clue about 4, 5 or 6. As someone else said in this thread, much depends on which blogs one follows…


        Liked by 1 person

    2. Scarlet Post author

      Apologies if your comment ended up in the spam pit, Jon; I’ve had so much spam this week that I’ve had to delete without checking.
      Anyhow, Mr Devine IS a bit of a girly swot!! but this just means he not only gets a prize, but he also gets a Christmas card, and maybe a pamphlet.
      Admittedly, the 1974 thing was impossible for bloggers! I might explain in my next post.


  7. melaniereynolds

    I agree with IDV that it is about recent posts!
    1 I don’t know
    2 IDV’s Selkie
    3 Me! ProximaBlue/MR your favorite computer gremlin
    4 Jon
    5 Mago BAAAAAH!
    6 I don’t know
    7 “Did I win yet?” LAX always and forever

    Liked by 1 person


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