A bit blowy….


am staying indoors today as it is a bit blowy outside. I have brought my trampoline indoors as I don’t want it to take flight and interfere with the life-stock in the neighbouring fields.

I also have a cold coming on, which is obviously THE MOST terrifying thing ever. My rational side is telling me that it is just a bug and I will be over it by next Sunday. My irrational side is somewhat louder and is yelling: I AM GOING TO DIE AND WHO IS GOING TO FEED THE DOG???????? No, seriously, who is going to feed the dog???

Meanwhile, at the beginning of every new year I resolve to read more books, meaning I devour a book in January, and then fall asleep in front of the television for the following 11 months. This year I have started to read my book in February, it is Middle England by Jonathan Coe, and so far I am enjoying it very much. This line touched a nerve:-

…a perverse effort to recapture the past by realizing his past’s vision of the future…

Which may be what the book is really ALL about as it is about Brexit.

And so to the music….

31 thoughts on “A bit blowy….

  1. looby

    I went out raving last night and the Smarties have robbed me of enough brain cells to make imagining the past’s version of the future a mental exercise beyond my capabilities at the moment.

    I am girding my loins and strapping on my sou’wester soon, in order to lean manfully into the rain to get to the pub. I am glad I won’t have to dodge any flying trampolines. Not all health and safety is bad.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Looby – Good luck on getting to the pub! I have been charging up everything – my laptop is simply a charging conduit that occasionally notifies me that it’s very windy outside and then tries to flog me hand sanitiser – I really didn’t envisage this future. In the past my future was always summer, and I had a long narrow garden with roses growing along each side.


  2. Mitzi

    The rain has been hammering at my window and running down in rivulets, that streak of bird shit I had on my bedroom window has been rinsed off good and proper. Lovely deep voice Michael has, I will play him next time I have a gentleman caller, it’ll save getting the marge out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mitzi – Indeed! I also have the joy of clean windows, just a pity there’s nothing much to see other than grey sky and swaying trees.
      I love Micheal, I have been playing his album over and over this morning.


  3. Inexplicable DeVice

    Oof! Here I am! I arrived here intending to comment on last Sunday’s post which I had been thwarted in doing earlier this week, but I find a NEW post!
    I am glad it is blowy and wet outside as this gives me reason not to be outside digging a new path behind the fence or planting half a dozen skimmia outside the front door. Instead I am going to catch up with blogs (and maybe come up with a post of my own?), do something creative (I have already made a cake!), read (maybe?), and possibly watch the first three episodes of Star Trek Picard (although probably not as it seems a bit grim, gritty, and lacksadaisical with future technology).

    I hope your “cold” doesn’t see you quarantined in Milton Keynes (or somewhere equally ghastly), or that, like Bridget Jones, you are not found three weeks later half eaten by Sid.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Scarlet Post author

    Mr Devine – I have watched Picard [The first three episodes] and I liked it much better than Discovery, HOWEVER, my top telly recommendation is The Stranger on Netflix. It is engrossing and I guessed every plot line, so it also made me feel very clever.
    You see, this is my worry, I don’t want to be sent to Milton Keynes. Who WOULD feed the dog?
    It does sound like you have been busy – SO YOU HAVE LOTS TO WRITE ABOUT. I really must stop shouting, it’s giving me a sore throat.


    1. Inexplicable DeVice

      Oh, I’ve not heard of The Stranger. I shall look next time I’m on Netflix. However, I’m currently watching the Hayao Miyazaki animated films (and the like) because I needed something bright, exhilerating and fantastical after having accidentally read too much real life news.

      If you are quarantined, I’ll take a holiday from work and stay at yours to look after Sid, if you like? I shall have to invest in some wellies first, though…

      Liked by 1 person

  5. batarde

    I am pleased to note that you are a responsible trampoline owner. It appears that an escaped one wound up blocking the railway line between Sevenoaks and Orpington … honestly, you’d think there would be test for prospective purchasers or something, wouldn’t you? Regarding your ailment, surely living in Mogwash amounts to a permanent form of quarantine, more or less?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Having once lived between Sevenoaks and Orpington I am only too aware regarding the dangers of low flying trampolines. And the wrong sort of leaf.
      It is true, I AM in a permanent state of quarantine, though I might ask delivery drivers to leave my parcels 2 meters from my front door for the foreseeable, just in case.


  6. Jon

    This storm is a bit “blowy” isn’t it? We were very lucky that our flight wasn’t affected (apart from the dramatic turbulence), otherwise we’d either still be in Malaga airport or else diverted to somewhere inconvenient like Bristol. Now the Met Office has started doing that American thing by giving storms stupid names, do you think we could write in on a postcard with suggestions? Mine (after reading your last post) would be “Storm Pillock”. Jx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      I would love to choose storm names, Jon! Storm Pillock it most certainly is as it isn’t supposed to fizzle out until Tuesday. Funnily enough the future I envisaged in the past included a Border Collie called Storm. He did everything he was told including making the tea in the morning and collecting the papers from the newsagents. In reality I have a terror called Sid who rips all incoming paper into tiny shreds and the newsagents is a 5 mile hike.
      Pleased that you are home safe and sound!


  7. dinahmow

    Jolly good thing this country only names cyclones. Imagine if they started giving bush fires cute names.”Blaze Bridgit, on the southern edge of the Highway has been contained.Blaze Barny is strengthening towards Buggerup on the eastern ridge. And we have reports of a new fire[yet to be identified] in Fiddlemebum. Oh F…! The whole State is burning and it’s been named Morrison. RUN! Run as far as you can!”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Are you still on fire, Dinah? I read that the rain came and then the bats descended. It’s all getting far too biblical.
      Names are for the poor reinsurance claims technicians, as they are more memorable than catastrophe numbers… Though I still know what Cat 87J refers to, and Cat 90A!


      1. Scarlet Post author

        I rest my case, Dinah! I have at least 3 trampolines, yet have never bought one!
        I was very pleased to read that parts of Australia has had some rain. I also read a piece on how life is bursting through the scorched earth – I hope that’s true.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. dinahmow

        Most of the big fires in south NSW have been doused, but as of yesterday, the Canberra hills had still not had more than a dribble of rain so things are still “dicey” down there.


  8. nick

    Went for a walk yesterday because it looked nice and sunny, promptly got soaked for the next half an hour.

    Have read Middle England. Enjoyed it, though I thought he tried too hard to squeeze in every significant political event since 2010.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Nick – That doesn’t surprise me about Jonathan Coe!!
      I have not been out, though I know that there are two large trees fallen down in the village. Be careful out there!


  9. savannah49

    We’re at super nana and Mr. Matrix’s house for a few days (grandparent-in-house-kid-care). Last night it was SUPER WINDY and was so noisy that Big Girl Matrix said she could hear the ocean roaring and we’re 20 miles inland! It actually was rather frightening, to be honest! Stay safe, sugar! xox

    Liked by 1 person

  10. lisleman

    The weather is getting more extreme every year. Stay safe.
    I noticed the trampolines flying through your comment section. Really that many Brits have/had trampolines? I thought the drones would be the menace of the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Bill – Obviously we need to invent a drone that doubles up as a trampoline?? I have never actually seen a trampoline being used more than once, I think they are just ornaments for the garden to annoy the neighbours.


  11. Peter Wells aka Countingducks

    I’m very sorry to have to tell you that my brave umbrella died while trying to protect me from the wind and rain. When I arrived at the cafe they couldn’t tell if the water on my cheeks was from the storm or the result of the raw grief I felt at the passing or my stalwart defender. I am pleased that you try and read books 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Ducks – My condolences on your loss. My favourite umbrella was left on a train, AND not by me. I had leant it to someone with strict instructions to look after it, et voila it was gone. I’d had it for seven years and I’ve never had a better brolly. I understand your sadness.


  12. Pingback: A Book on a Chair…. | Wonky Words

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