Mapping Mogwash!!!

For the month of July a few of us have challenged ourselves to make a map. Dinah has already started, so I thought it only polite that I join in. Of course I am going to make a map of my fictional village, Mogwash, how could I not? But where to start?

Because Mogwash was created by my own fair hand I decided to take a photograph of my palm. After cropping the picture, and adding a few filters to make the lines darker [yay, that worked well, why did I bother?] I had this image:-

In the palm of my hand

So I simply printed it off and traced over the lines…. and yay, I have something that could be mistaken for a map!

First sketch of Mogwash!!!

Yep, I went a bit wrong in places, my eyesight is wonky, like this blog, but it is the first preliminary sketch and it will change an awful lot through a process of decisions. The next thing I do have to decide is how big I want it to be, and what type of surface to use.

I wonder where the scout hut is where Mago the archaeologist dug up the carpark? Where is the Onion Gallery? WHERE IS THE PUB??? Where does Moonchild Etherington-Smythe live? Where is Mrs Fitzpatrick’s hand built alpine rockery? All should be revealed over the coming weeks! I kind of think I’ve got a lot of reading to do, and a hunch that I’ll still be tinkering with this map cum December…

22 thoughts on “Mapping Mogwash!!!

  1. batarde

    Hells bells and buckets of blood. Pre-empted! I was thinking about doing Batarde Towers, but two imaginary locations would be one too many methinks. Should have seen that one coming. :-) I do like your way of generating a road layout … pleasing, that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. nick

    Ah, Mogwash. A charming little place. I drove through it a few times on the way to my granny’s house in Wales. I used to stop at the Happy Bean coffee shop for a latte and carrot cake. A shame it was burnt to the ground by Mufti the arsonist shortly before he was admitted to Gringely psychiatric unit.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Mags – You only remember ‘Toodlepipski’? Oh dear. Well, there is nothing else for it then, I will just have to re-blog the whole thing. How exciting is that?!!!


  3. lisleman

    A very interesting way to generate a map. I would have probably just started doodling which occupies more of my time as time goes by. I thought if you wash your hands (not that they need it) and took a picture before you dried them, you could create a few lakes/ponds. I don’t know why but Mogwash sets me thinking about the period of fiefdoms and knights in armour (actually nights in white satin sounds much more comfortable). Don’t you need a lake or two for a good story? With a lake you could have an enchantress like Lady of the Lake.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Bill – A lake? Now a lake might be a bit grand for Mogwash, perhaps a village duck pond will suffice? There is a river where some drama occurs, but yes, I definitely need a water feature somewhere. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Inexplicable DeVice

    Oh, what a good idea! And you could make money from it by selling copies from the village shoppe-cum-abattoir to hapless tourists.

    I’ve yet to start mine, but I had an idea the other night, which might just kill two birds with one stone.

    Not endangered birds, though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Please don’t kill Beaky, Mr Devine!! Why not follow him around and map his travels?
      My goodness, yes, I could make the map into a Christmas pamphlet. One year this damn pamphlet that I keep referring to is going to make an appearance.



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