Decades Go by….Rinse, Repeat.

Between us, Jon and I have cobbled together a new meme, it is called ‘A Decade Ago’ or #adecadeago, which is exactly the same as ‘A Decade Ago’, but without spaces, and has a fancy hashtag slapped in front of it. To take part all you have to do is shimmy through your blog to 2009 and see what you were doing 10 years ago. For example, I was doing this: X-Rated. Yes, I was taking part in a meme!! I was collecting letters, talking about my favourite things, and waxing lyrical about udders, or some such. Mr XL’s comment summed it up best when he said: It’s like a bad Scrabble hand that you’ve made a triple score with, or something.

In the spirit of favourite things, I have decided that my 2019 is going to be all about FAVOURITE THINGS, and recycling, I know! Hot topic! And I am going to do my part by recycling old blog comments, and bits of old blog. For example, in response to my comment box HERE, I have made this:-


Repeating Patterns…

It is called: Repeating Patterns 149, and is made from scraps of paper from my studio; a vintage book; and as previous described, old blog comments. It amuses me that I can take what was originally digital and turn it into something with a vintage aesthetic. And I love making these.
So, from the top….



Little Scarlet….


Many thanks to Mr Modo, in the guise of Mrs Westicott, for the comments! He is long gone from the blogs, but now he has been immortalised.

It might be your turn next, if you’ve ever left a comment on any of my blogs…

73 thoughts on “Decades Go by….Rinse, Repeat.

  1. Jon

    Perhaps this might be an opportune moment to mention to your/our audience, some who might not even have ventured into the blogosphere a decade ago, that scribbled entries in a Legacy Quarto Week-to-View Diary might be acceptable as a “meme” contribution. Jx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      I think most who come here have been blogging for over a decade, Jon!!! I have no newbies, which is a bit sad.
      Newbies, where are you??? oh… Facebook…


      1. Jon

        Or Instagram, Snapchat, Vero, WhatsApp, Tw*tter, Reddit, yadda yadda yadda. Gone are the days of the Sunday newspaper, the Polaroid camera, Robert Dougal reading the headlines on the BBC, and a dial telephone with a contrast handset in moss green or grey… Unfortunately. Jx

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Inexplicable DeVice

    Oh! A new meme! I shall do this one, but not right now as I’ve just finished slapping together my second “photos of Chatsworth” post. But certainly very soon. Do you know, a week or two ago, I had a peruse of my dusty old crypt of ten years back and discovered I was drunk. Quite a lot.

    I rather like your Repeating Patterns. I must admit to squinting at my screen to very slowly make out what the text said then, after triumphantly reading it all, I scrolled down to find that you had very helpfully embiggened it all…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – I should have typed ‘details’ below to spare your eyes!!
      I am very curious about your Chatsworth connection…. the best I can do is try to match you with my Richard Briars connection, and even that’s a bit tenuous.


  3. batarde

    Sniff. As a junior partner of barely half a decade’s standing in a blog regarded by most people as incomprehensible (not in a good way), I feel distinctly out of my depth. I should probably lurk in a corner. Nice collage thingummy, Scarlet: it’s like William Burroughs in a frame.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Apologies, Mr Batarde!! Please feel free to follow Jon’s suggestion and show us your diary from 2009. I shall now go and check out William Burroughs!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Joey – I had a bit more verve ten years ago – I’d like to recapture some of that. I have more wrinkles and my hair has gone a funny colour. I also now have a dodgy knee, but yeah I’m more or less the same, but more mellow.


  4. lisleman

    Well that was a fun and frustrating exercise. I often go back and look at old posts but a decade ago, 2009, my blog was not followed much. One frustrating thing is broken links. The life a link is short. I looked over a few posts from that period. In January 2009, we had a mass of cold Canadian air visit. The arctic air we have today is even colder. I posted a freaky looking picture I found on the APOD website. Here’s a still working link,
    I had found some cool pictures taken from the construction of the Chicago Trump tower. Now it’s a nice looking skyscraper most Chicagoans would like to scrap his oversized name off of it. I found link problems in that post but after a little digital digging found this interesting clip from the top of the tower,
    Back then I took some footage of the bankers getting grilled in Congress and added music and sound. Here’s a link to my “Breaking my TARP” video
    Too many links? Hey this is the interconnect web of links. Finally, thank you for the link to Jon’s old blog post. I now discovered the “Soft Tempo Lounge” youtube video.
    so both fun and frustration but that’s life as Frank Sinatra would say.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Bill – I found your original comment in my spam box, yes, probably too many links for a WordPress comment! And now the Trump Tower pic makes sense! The Canadian cold air pic is cool!
      I have some links on my old blog that are really dodgy, specifically a link to my original calligraphy blog. I clicked on it long after it was dead to me, and it sent my laptop into a tailspin – I think I remembered to remove the link! Yep, I think twice about clicking on old links!


  5. lisleman

    Hmm, I just tried to leave a comment. It was long and maybe had too many links in it. Well maybe it will show up. But thanks for including that old link to Jon’s blog. I now discovered the “Soft Tempo Lounge” on youtube.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jon

      That is most weird – Miss S, why did you link to one of my blogs from 2016 rather than my home page? Oh, sweet mystery of life. Even weirder than encouraging everyone to dredge up the memories from a decade ago, I guess.

      However, I am pleased you enjoyed “Soft Tempo Lounge”. Lisleman – the music from that particular treasure trove is a regular feature on my blog (alongside so much more, of course!)… Jx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Scarlet Post author

        I have no idea how that link linked to the tropical post!! That is definitely peculiar. I will investigate properly tomorrow – am on phone at present so am restricted.


      2. Scarlet Post author

        Have sorted the link, and still can’t fathom how I ended up in 2016. I was having a mare with WordPress yesterday though, and was getting in a pickle, so maybe I clicked on an old link to Jon’s blog post and didn’t realise. Soft Tempo Lounge are fabulous though and I would have never come across them without Jon!


  6. lisleman

    I’ll try just one of the links from my long comment. It was made during the construction of the Chicago Trump tower. As I mentioned in my previous longer comment, it’s a nice skyscraper but most Chicagoans would like to scrap his oversized name off the building. Here’s the link

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ponita

      Awesome video! I, unlike Ms Dinahmow, have no aversion to heights and once stood on the glass floor of the CN Tower in Toronto (Canada) to look down 1,122 ft at the ant-sized people below. It was tres cool! They state the 2 1/2″ thick glass panels are strong enough to take the weight of 35 moose. (Only in Canada, eh!?!) One day, I want to go to the Grand Canyon in the US and walk the glass walkway over the canyon, 4000 feet below!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Scarlet Post author

        Ponita – I don’t like walking close to the edge of a cliff, but I don’t mind glass walkways or exterior lifts. The lifts on the outside of the Lloyd’s building were high speed, and had to be slowed down – they were the closest thing to a funfair ride in the City in 1986!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Mistress Borghese

    Well, aren’t you the cleaver and creative little minx!!!!!! I love that idea. I could make one and call it Codfanglers. Another blog buddy Lenore Nevermore who no longer blogs, turned her blog into a hardbound book. That was very cool too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mistress Borghese/Maddie – I am definitely going to do a Codfanglers collage!!! Oh fantastic idea!! My brain has exploded into breadcrumbs!!
      I think my blog as a hardback book would even fail as a doorstop! Though I might be able to produce a leaflet one day.


  8. kylie

    I like your artwork! It reminds me of the school magazines which the year 11 journalism class produced for my high school each year. I kept those magazines for about 20 years and then decided to toss them. Now I kind of wish I hadn’t . Marie Kondo wasn’t so famous then but I suppose I decided all on my own that they weren’t giving me any joy!

    I wonder what I was posting ten years ago? I’ll have to have a look. I’m sure my readers were a different bunch, with the exception of Nick perhaps.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jon

      Marie Kondo probably wasn’t born then. Is it just me, or is she famous for just stating the bloody obvious: “if you haven’t any room to move around your flat, it may be time to chuck the crap out”? Jx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Scarlet Post author

        Jon – I would love an uncluttered home…..BUT. Maybe I will just frame all my clutter and call it art?
        Marie Kondo does say the obvious…. but how she says it is very cute!


    2. Scarlet Post author

      Oh, Kylie! I feel for you about those magazines. I’ve kept tons of ephemera from school, I even have my exercise books from Primary School. So many bits of tat bring me joy!! You never know when something will come in handy.

      It’s kind of sad reading through an old comment box and seeing all those old bloggers missing in action.



  9. dinahmow

    Do we reprise the 2009 blog entry on our current blog? Or post a link to it here?
    Oh! Here’s a link to the time I met a movie star

    Right now, I’m coping with one cat who had broken hip surgery yesterday and the other cat (who had the same damn’ thing years ago!) who’s allowed out but has to ask to be let back in. I’m running around like demented concierge…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah – I like how you’ve embraced the ‘repeating’ theme by taking care of injured cats!
      As for Gregory Peck, well, WOW!! You never know who you’re going to meet. I think Gregory Peck, Rock Hudson and Cary Grant were all rather handsome.


  10. nick

    What was I doing ten years ago? Well, I was in between jobs, having just been made redundant by the new manager of the charity office I was working for. I was about to move to a larger house. By a strange coincidence, I had just returned from Sydney. And I was moaning once again about long-haul flights.

    I shall now have recurring visions of a strawberry blonde passing out under a Fiat Uno. A good job it wasn’t moving at the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Nick – Now isn’t that peculiar? And I’m pleased that you’ve also embraced the ‘repeating’ theme!
      As for the Fiat Uno – you had to have a knack to make them move, which usually involved the foil wrapper from a bar of chocolate stuffed in the electrics and a big shove.


  11. Eryl Gasper Dick

    Your collage is marvellous! It makes me want to rake through the piles of old notebooks and jars of used string and frog-tape I have stashed in every corner of this room and make one of my own.
    I just looked at my old, Kitchen Bitch, blog and found that ten years ago I went to the beach in search of ice floes; and that I had lots of lovely blog pals, most of whom have vanished.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Eryl – The collages are addictive; I have several planned that probably breach all sorts of copyright law, but what the hell, they’ll liven up the smallest room in the house!
      Our old blog chums – they are the saddest part of looking back, especially the ones who’ve vanished without a trace. Whatever happened to Dr Maroon?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Eryl Gasper Dick

        I like to think Dr Maroon owns a beach bar on a small, fertile island somewhere just hot enough. Grows his own vegetables and lives with a dancer who makes potcheen flavoured with the papayas that grow in their garden.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Ponita

    Ten years ago? It was winter, it was cold, and this is what I blogged about on the last day of January. But perhaps a better post would be this one from the end of December 2009, which offers a synopsis of the year. Here’s hoping these links work, as I have not posted a link in eons!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Scarlet Post author

        Ponita – Awwww…. I remember Thunder. I didn’t want you to let him go.
        I think a synopsis of the year is a good idea – in fact I may start writing up 2019 month by month so that I have something to publish at the end of the year!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Ducks – I doubt you’re as embarrassing as me. I started blogging in 2006, but was clueless about the blogging community. I was too shy to comment on blogs and only came out of my shell when someone commented on my 2008 Scarlet Blue blog! Yes, I had two years of blogging in the wilderness wondering how to join the throng.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Scarlet Post author

        I feel your pain, Mr Ducks. I tend to cling on to my blogging chums like a limpet, and try to dissuade them from using other social media sites :-)
        There is something special about those who’ve been on Blogger…. I’ve noticed that they are more likely to comment on both WordPress and Blogspot. I could be wrong! WordPress can sometimes get caught up with ‘likes’ and ‘follows’, whereas Blogspot didn’t initially encourage this behaviour; Blogspot was always about commenting and making friends – that’s my take on it in any case!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes! Monsieur Pain! Thank you!! I love assemblage art! It was my main focus when I was at art college. I am a little more contrived than most though, probably because I am a control freak and I like to manufacture my own ‘found’ objects :-)


  13. nick

    Talking of repeating patterns, the tiny bears feel they are being ignored. They wish to be given more prominence and be more fully appreciated by your audience. They don’t like being buried farther and farther back in your blog archive, they hunger for the limelight and regular exposure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Apologies, Savvy, I am late to reply – I see my comments in email and somehow this makes me think I’ve replied.
      Thank you, I’m really enjoying playing with collage, hopefully they’ll be more this year.



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