Happy Birthday to Me!!

It is my birthday. I have a buggy head cold sort of bug thing, which is buggy. I am eating cake, so all is well. I think the bug was made worse by this sort of thing….


More snow…

When I looked out my window and saw this I thought it was a rather pathetic attempt at snowfall, it was only when I came to walk Sidney that I realised that the snow had been blown off the fields and into the lanes making them impassable by most vehicles – even 4x4s. Do I have pictures of the lanes? Of course I don’t…. you need fingers to take pictures, and my fingers were frozen within two pairs of thick woolly gloves. I’m actually very sad that I don’t have pictures because it was all very dramatic and rather rare for Devon.

Meanwhile, I am concerned that we have lost Mr Mags, I believe this is due to technical issues, so I shall be trying to contact him the old-fashioned way via pen and paper…. I was thinking that I could buy a card that we could all sign and send on to him, obviously this card would start in Devon, UK, then journey to Norfolk…. it would then spend some time in Texas, HERE and HERE before making its way to Canada, then down under to Australia…. [perhaps Dinah could stand over Ms Prinny when she signs it so that it doesn’t get lost] and then finally to Germany. I’d like Mr Mags to know that we are all thinking of him.

Yes, and while I am on the subject of lost things…. shall I see if I can purchase an item of clothing to replace the Freakin’ Green Elf Shorts??? Shall I? Just as a temporary measure until the real ones show up…. but it wouldn’t be the same would it? All the legendary stains/smells/curly hairs would be missing.

Right, I must rouse myself to eat more cake….

46 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to Me!!

  1. batarde

    101th?! More like 21th, surely? Whatever – a very happy birthday to you, Scarlet. May all your cakes be wonderful. Citronella sends felicitations and a slice of Gugelhupf.



    1. Scarlet Post author

      A yeasted marble cake?!!! With a dollop of cream… well this does sound rather marblelous, Mr Batarde! Okay, when I’ve finished the kilo of coffee sponge cake I will instruct someone to fetch me a slice of Gugelhupf.


  2. LẌ

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Will George Clooney be providing the cake? I’m asking for “a friend.”

    Excellent idea with the card to our computerless Herr Mago!

    Maybe attach a GoPro video camera to Sid for the snowy Devonshire lane pix?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Lax, I hope Mr Clooney will be providing some Gugelhupf…. I have sent him a note.
      Meanwhile, tomorrow I will print off some of our recent blog posts, stuff them in an envelope, and send them to Mr Mags, just so he’s kept in the loop!


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Awww… poor Sid! He has problems enough with the flying bath mat…. I will attach my iPhone to the bath mat and see what happens, Dinah :-)


  3. Jon

    Happy Cake-day, sweetie! Even if the 4×4 can’t get down the lane, it’s good to know you have sufficient stockpiles of super-high-calorie foodstuffs to keep the cold at bay. Jx


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thankfully we are clear of most of the snow now, Jon. We are left with a melting pyramid at the top of the lane, which is filthy.
      I get my priorities right when it comes to foodstuffs!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      No, you didn’t miss the big day, Dinah… and I do feel rather big after all that sugar!
      I am going to attempt to make the truffle cake… after I’ve lost a few pounds to fit it in :-)


  4. Inexplicable DeVice

    Oh, happiest of birthdays, Ms Scarlet, wherever your bath mat may have taken you!

    I rather like the idea of a “chain-letter” type card thingy for Mr Mags. And a Temporary Freakin’ Green Elf Shorts Substitute. Although, I think you’re right that the loss of the Disgustables means it won’t be the same. And, you can guarantee that as soon as a replacement item is found, Prinny will stun us all with the Real Things!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thank you, Mr Devine! For my next trick I am going to teach my duvet to fly, I think it will be more comfortable than the bath mat… and it will have room for sugary snacks.
      Meanwhile, Mr Mags has returned!! So I can concentrate my efforts on the FGES substitute compo…. BECAUSE you are correct, as soon as I find a suitable substitute Prinny will pop up with the real thing. I hope.


  5. Mitzi

    Happy Birthday Scarlet or should that be Happy 21st Anniversary of your 39th Birthday? I flew over your neck of the woods on Monday, I was hoping to see you pegging out your washing in your wellies, but sadly not, it was like pea soup down there.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Pegging out washing is a rare event in Devon, Mitzi, I use my line three times a year on average and now you’ve seen why!
      Heavy rain today – back to normal.


  6. 63mago

    Birthday !
    Allerherzlichste Glückwünsche – und ganz viel Gugelhupf !
    And you really do mention this humble me in your birthday post – I am shattered ! I only hope you had a good day, despite all this snow and coldness – and yes, of course, even the ancients knew that cake helps against the buggy cold !
    Oh my Lady Scarlet, what a blessed day !


  7. eroswings

    Happy Birthday, Scarlet!!!


    May you be surrounded by the joy of discovering every new day’s beauty, the warmth of loved ones presence, and the happiness of sharing laughter with good friends.



    Cheers and Best wishes for many more years of good food, good company, and good times!


  8. Eryl Shields

    Happy (belated) birthday! I hope the bug didn’t spoil your enjoyment of the cake and that you’re feeling better today.

    Also hope you can forgive me for missing the actual day, we went to Edinburgh to watch the new grandson take his first full feed (which I think was slightly awkward for The Mr.), and ply granddaughter with chocolate.


  9. Ponita

    I’m sure I am totally late to the party, but I still want to say Happy Birthday, Scarlet!! So glad you had cake, and that the snow is mostly gone. We had a big blizzard here last Monday. I spent a good part of that day shovelling snow as it doesn’t melt much at this time of year here in the Heart of Canada. You can be any age you want to be!!


  10. Exile on Pain Street

    Can I still send birthday wishes or is it too late? We have a significant gap in time between us so I want to be graded on a curve. All good wishes to you, my little flower.

    That’s the view out your window?! That’s quite beautiful, pathetic snowfall notwithstanding.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Never too late for birthday wishes, Monsieur Pain!! Yes – that’s the view out of my window; on a clear day I can see Dartmoor…. I haven’t seen Dartmoor for a while.


  11. nick

    Cake! Cake! All’s right with the world as long as there is plenty of cake on hand. A world cake shortage is the stuff of nightmares. In fact only last night I dreamt that I went into a bakery and there was no cake of any description. I woke up shaking and sweating. I only recovered after several Mr Kipling Cherry Bakewells.



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