Calligraphy for Halloween

This calligraphy site is still under construction, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t start adding my latest projects to my new blog!

Scribbly Calligraphy

For Halloween I signed up for an exchange with some UK calligraphy friends from Instagram. I wanted to attempt a new style of modern calligraphy… the scribbly unreadable variety where the lettering goes a bit wild and overlaps. This was tricky for me as I’m usually a stickler for making my writing legible – I will sometimes trash an envelope if there is an unsightly letter clash so making deliberate clashes made me wince. I used white Ecoline ink as it is less opaque than my preferred Dr Martin’s Bleed Proof White, and it achieved a ghostly effect I was after. My nib of choice was a Brause 66EF and this is how it turned out…


Suitably creepy…

I wasn’t happy writing it, but I was reasonably pleased with the result and I now feel encouraged to use this style on a larger piece, possibly using a variety of colours. The text I’ve used here is a short black magic spell that I found on the Internet – I think the scribbly treatment worked well with it, although I decided against using it for the envelope… I don’t believe in being mean to Postmen or Postwomen, so I wrote my usual copperplate script for these…



Christmas is Coming!

My next project will probably be Christmas related, if I don’t start addressing my envelopes soon it’ll be the week before Christmas and I’ll be sitting at my desk dashing off addresses with a Bic Biro – and that simply won’t do! I intend to dig out the gold ink and make merry with the red envelopes! Although I suppose I ought to get on and finish this website…. I have a page about gilding to build…and there might be a flash of gothic and a wink of foundational…

24 thoughts on “Calligraphy for Halloween

  1. batarde

    Golly, this is posh! So this what you get up to when you’re not shopping for bath mats, eh? Jolly impressive, especially that scribbly stuff. What’s it say?

    Wishing you every success with this new and exciting thingummy.



  2. Inexplicable DeVice

    Ooh! I could do with having some of my spells captured on paper (the good stuff, mind) in some barely readable calligraphy in case The Nieces get hold of them. If only I can find the blasted things.

    The spells, that is. Not The Nieces. I know where they are.


      1. Scarlet Post author

        This is all down to Charmaine, Mr Devine…. her and her ideas. Tsk. I really need to get my nose to the grindstone. I am shaking off the nasty cold, but now my boiler has broken down. I am taking refuge in the attic. Heat rises.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Tsk, Mr Ducks!!! You are are much better blogger than I!!! You know how slack I can be with Wonky Words!! But this is a dedicated calligraphy site… so not so hard to gather material for.
      Thank you!!


  3. Z

    I have some letters from the middle of the 19th century written to my great-great-great grandfather and this reminds me of a number of them, beautiful writing but so elaborate that the letters merged – sometimes, to save paper, they turned the page 90 degrees and wrote again. I can’t imagine how anyone was able to read it.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I love old letters like that Z, and yours sound like proper family treasures. Any pictures? I would love to see them. I’m familiar with the paper saving technique – maybe during the Loopy Letters project I’ll try it myself – I’ve always meant to.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Aww… Thank you, Mr Ducks!! I am on FB, but I seldom do much there…. I will be updating both blogs before the end of the year. I know, I am an appalling blogger! Merry Crispy bits to you, m’dear!



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