We Interrupt this Blog Silence…..

…..to bring you two pictures of a hedgehog. Mr Devine has cornered the market on big sky and cormorants leaving me with nothing to work with other than a hedgehog…. so there you go… if you stare at a blog long enough eventually something new will appear. But perhaps not what you expect nor want.




Still snuffling…

And for those keen on pen marks and calligraphy, some recent work….


Scruffy knickers…


Addressing envelopes…

I will now make Ye Olde Blogging promise about updating more frequently in future etc, etc… etc…. blah, blah, blah…. *sincere well meaning face on head that is furiously nodding*…..

100 thoughts on “We Interrupt this Blog Silence…..

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Mags – The Mistress has been inferring that I keep my knickers in the fridge, so I thought she would like it :-)
      Meanwhile…. i-Punkt the spelling of eccentric…. these things happen.


  1. IDV

    Aww… Hedgepig! It’s been years since I’ve seen a live one. Sadly, I’ve seen loads of dead ones in the road…

    As Mago has already beaten me to the “frosty knickers”, all I have to say is “Bananas”!

    P.S. Sorry for the Cormorant-hogging.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I am breeding hedgehogs in the garden, Mr Device, they have set up home in a discarded hedge. With trimmings.
      I will save my blurry cormorant for Christmas, when there will be extra trimmings and brussel sprouts.


  2. Jon

    “Cormorant-hogging” sounds like a good title for a blog. Or a self-help manual. Jx

    PS I just inadvertently clicked “Like” before I found the comments, which is all very bloody F***book, isn’t it?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Definitely a self-help manual, Jon!! It is about living a life patiently, and keeping your head above the rising tide…. by standing on a pole with your arms outstretched.


  3. dinahmow

    Well! Pooh-bah and bungalow! Gazumped TWICE on the “frosty knickers” response.
    But such a sweet little Hodge, snuffling his(her?) way around.
    I think it calls for cake!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah, I think I’m the only one who hasn’t posted a picture of cake!! I will do so within the next couple of weeks.
      Yes, I am very fond of the hedgehog… fearless wee things.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      What is this ‘Aldi’ of which you speak, Mr Nikos?? Have you forgotten my legendary fridge post already…. granted it was a few years back and on a different blog, but surely it was memorable?? I will find a link to show you what to store in a fridge….. and perhaps I should do a recap….


  4. Ponita

    It’s easy to be brave when one dresses in spikes. ;-) We don’t have hedgehogs over here in Canada, just the much larger and spinier porcupines. (Watch out for their tails ~ they whack you with that and you are impaled many times over with nasty barbs!)

    Frosty Knickers are just what is needed in a Glorious January! Keep them in the freezer compartment, Scarlet, far away from moldy anything.

    I recall both the bottle and Smeg blog posts! If you keep this up, you will just need to hit the ‘repeat’ button on your blog to do all the recaps.

    Glad to hear from you again. I am just as remiss as you. Now I feel I must think up something to post on mine…


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh please post again, Ponita! I miss blogging and bloggers. Blogging feels so much more…. civilised….than other forums.
      Yes, when in need of a post I will simply rehash something older! Why not? TV channels do it all the time :-)


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Not 100% with you on reality shows, Bill. I am besotted with Googlebox – I guess it’s not a proper reality show though. Do you have a US version?
        The premise is HERE


      2. lisleman

        I followed the link. Sounds a bit interesting. My problem with reality TV is that typically it is not real. It is often scripted.
        I don’t follow reality TV much at all here. But I do know that con artist Donald the Trump made money on reality TV.


      3. Scarlet Post author

        Oh crikey, yes, he did. I am very bored with our version of The Apprentice. I only like real reality shows…. I don’t get the scripted ones such as the ‘Real Housewives’ series – those are just bonkers, I sometimes watch them with morbid fascination…


  5. LẌ

    Those hedgehogs are so cute! Are they dangerous like the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog?

    Frosty Knickers sounds like the title of an Infomaniac Book Of The Month Club selection!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I will have to Google the rabbit, Mr Lax! Hedgehogs are lovely…. and allow you to get nice and close for a photo opportunity. The downside is that they play host to a good many fleas.
      *makes note to write the best selling Frosty Knickers pamphlet*


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Oh dear, Dinah, this Youtube clip is unavailable in the UK…. but I do have a vague recollection of Monroe’s character storing undies in the ice box – I will see if I can find a version that Youtube will let me watch.


    2. IDV

      ::makes note to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail again::

      ::also wonders where this comment will end up amongst all the replies so far::


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Yes… the random placement of comments on this post has had me scrolling in an incoherent fashion all day. Keeps me on my fingers I suppose. Shouldn’t grumble. A push is as good as a shove to a blind man on a tow path.


      1. Scarlet Post author

        I know… it’s a bit too cute to resist. There will probably be a calendar out at Christmas…. and Christmas cards. Maybe I can train my hedgehog to do all these things?


  6. eroswings

    Funny but I always think hedgehogs ought to be blue & super speedy–all thanks to Sonic the hedgehog video games…These naturally brown ones look quite charming…though the spines would give me pause before attempting to pet them.

    The writings look beautiful as always.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh Mr Swings, they are not fond of being handled, so it’s fine to admire them from a distance.
      Do you remember Mrs Tiggy-Winkle – Sonic the hedgehog’s Great Great Great Grandmother???


  7. lisleman

    what came first the hedge or the hog? If I stare at that sentence long enough eventually a joke will appear.
    Since they dig burrows, why do they always look so clean? I would not make for a clean hedgehog.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Well, Bill, I have been researching hedgehogs and they are very clean – no dander! And their fleas are species specific. BUT, they are not supposed to be wandering around in gardens during daylight hours…. so this one must have had its nest disturbed. He/she looked happy enough, and hopefully found somewhere for a snooze. There are plenty of hedges here!


      1. lisleman

        I assume you like them in your garden. Now raccoons here are cute but I can’t stand them in my garden since they destroy things like porches, attics, etc. Maybe these cute hedgehogs are nicer to the property owners.


      2. Scarlet Post author

        I do like the hedgehogs, Bill, they are harmless…. we have nothing like raccoons here!! They do look cute! The closest we have to destructive critters are squirrels…. they can cause havoc if they nest in the roof, but mostly our wildlife is tame by comparison.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Indeed, Monsieur Pain, in the garden!!! But as I said to Bill, hedgehogs are supposed to be nocturnal…. so this should be a rare sighting. I live in a rural area with lots of farming going on so I suppose they will suffer the occasional disturbance.
      Do you not have hedgehogs in the US???? Do you not read Beatrix Potter????


  8. nick

    Hedgehogs have the right idea – do everything at a sedate, leisurely pace and leave the frantic rushing around to those neurotic humans.

    Frosted knickers? When I were growing up, it were that cold it were frost with everything. Frosted condoms were no joke, I can tell you.


  9. Peter Wells aka Countingducks

    I spent quite a lot of time steering at the first photograph of the hedgehog thinking if I looked closely enough I might see it make a hedgehog style print to the edge of the picture but nothing. Perhaps I caught it in the middle of one of its much needed naps. Hope all is good with you :)


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hedgehog prints…..? Now there’s a thought, Mr Ducks! I am well, Mr Ducks…. bit dazed and confused, bit puzzled that Strictly Come Dancing is about to start again, which means that we are starting the run up to Christmas. What a year.
      Hope all is good with you?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Ms Roses – So have I!!! I can’t even remember how many I’ve made!! Oh well. We must be the ‘muddle through’ sort of people – i.e. not good at sticking to plans!!


  10. Tara Sparling

    As per your last post, surely there are millions upon besquillions to be made from immortalising the truly ridiculous or offensive in calligraphy, Scarlet. Or is my dawning realisation laughably late to the party, and you are in fact blogging from your offensively and ridiculously large chateau in the South of France as we speak?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Indeed, Ms Mitzi, but first let me put on the Demis Roussos (I have spelt his name incorrectly but I am too lazy to check) cassette and get the Artic Roll on ice.
      Snowball, anyone?


      1. Scarlet Post author

        I have an old Abigail’s Party post knocking about somewhere too, Jon, I shall have a rummage… maybe give it an edit and repost it :-)


  11. Pat Mackay

    I’m haunted by knickers just now. An old chum had a hissy fit because she didn’t like her knickers just as we were taking her out for a Birthday lunch. All was well in the end.


  12. 63mago

    Just to add more to your “tiny changes” – Whatever you wrote behind “Will be back shortly ” does show up on my screen as little rectangle. Chances are very good that this is a mistake on my side (because I use a strange operating system and browser), but I just wanted to let you know :)


  13. 63mago

    To make things more complicated : I just used another computer that runs windows 10 and the google chrome browser – and all the smileys are smileys !


  14. IDV

    I was halfway through my swim a little earlier, and I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t visited your blog to see the amazing thing of which you had hinted at. So, now back at home, and an hour later, I have suddenly remembered again (how quickly I forget things) and here I am. I like the new theme – everything is so big and clear – but where is the thing? Are you gilding a cormorant, Ms Scarlet? Is that why this is taking so long?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Apologies, Mr Devine, I have been called upon to do some emergency calligraphy… but I will do my best to slap my post up before the weekend is up.
      Does The Book of Shadows mean anything to you?


      1. IDV

        The Book of Shadows? That new-fangled clap-trap the “yoof” are into?! Gerald Gardner has a lot to answer for! Why, I-
        Hang on. The Host is telling me not to be such an old stick-in-the-mud!


  15. Scarlet Post author

    No….. this was an old ancient version that I saw….. but I might be giving the game away…..
    I must get this job done, and then I will return :-)



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