Sunday Music – The Blah Version

I am feeling very blah. I do have a proper post written for today, it is languishing in my ‘drafts’ file, but due to my overwhelming feeling of blah, that is where it is staying. Drafting stuff doesn’t seem to work for me, it loses its immediacy.

It is raining. Again. Hence the blah. I keep being sent emails from clothing stores imploring me to Stock up for Summer! They include pictures of T-shirts, shorts, swimwear, sunglasses, etc, but no raincoats or rain hoods. It seems that last year’s glorious weather has wiped the typical British Summer from our collective memory. I will not be stocking up. I will be saving instead for a good coat, which I can at least wear for 8 months of the year.

So, with this in mind, here is a tune…..

And this version might even cheer me up!

39 thoughts on “Sunday Music – The Blah Version

  1. batarde

    “Blah” is le mot juste, all right. Ordinarily one can expect fair weather for Ascot week, but this time I imagine there were plenty of unsuitably befrocked and hatted ladies wishing they’d opted for a plastic mac, and a rainhood rather than a fascinator. May I suggest you consider a trenchcoat?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      It is appalling, Mr Batarde. I am appalled that I can’t wear a fascinator, or even a straw trilby. Every thing is soggy, and I have only worn my flip-flops 4hrs this year. There are enormous slugs everywhere [not just in Westminster] so I have decided that it’s wellie weather for the foreseeable future.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Erm…. well, Mr Devine, my proportions aren’t that far off. I STILL HAVE A 24″ WAIST!!!! Though I can understand the confusion as it is hidden beneath layers of vests and jumpers. What is the point of having a waist if I’m forever swaddled in woollens????
      May as well eat cake. A WHOLE CAKE.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      He is isn’t he, Jon?! I did indeed smile when I stumbled across this Youtube – I’d listened to the Nat King Cole version a couple of times, and then I found this with all the jaunty clothing illustrations, which fitted very nicely into the scheme of things.


  2. llcooljoe

    Just to make you feel even better, we’ve had a good weekend. Okay it’s clouding over a bit now, which is why I’ve come in from the garden. I bet you feel better now don’t you? :D

    I have this version by Michael Jackson. Not quite as chirpy as Trini.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Joey – I don’t think anyone is as cheery as Trini! Meanwhile, whilst our weather is set to clear up I believe the South East is in for another deluge, so you’d better head West!!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah, it’s jolly isn’t it?! And yes, Trini is still with us. I have a strange desire to buy one of those rain hoods. What did they used to be called? They used to come folded up in a plastic pocket like the plastic gloves that come with hair dye. My mum always had a couple of these rain scarves in her handbag for an emergency. They used to come free with Family Circle, or Women’s Own.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. dinahmow

    Wasn’t there a chap in plastic pac-a-mac arrested for flashing on the tube? When he opened his coat his willy was sporting a rain hood!Or maybe it was just that bloke in the pub, hooping for free drinks?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah – Have you been on the gin again?
      I’m not sure whether I have a vague memory of the event you describe, or whether you’re just very good at the power of suggestion?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. dinahmow

    I stay well clear of the Vera Lynn.Probably before your time! And probably more than one flasher! But there was a “curious incident” I think it was the fact that he’d given it a wee hat.I heard the story from the wife of a PC.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. lisleman

    Your post sent me looking through youtube at the many covers of this song. I didn’t know Charlie Chaplin (wow he goes way way back) composed the original instrumental.
    The lyrics are a little newer, 1954.
    Thanks for the smiles.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Bill – I know! I found out that this was a Chaplin tune some years back when I was learning to play the saxophone – I was very surprised.


  6. nick

    You mean we’re being fobbed off with any old nonsense rather than a “proper post”? Tch tch, such effrontery.

    Stock Up For Summer should at the very least offer inflatable dinghies, packs of emergency supplies and SOS flares ready for the next round of torrential rain and flash floods.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      I might do a proper post this weekend, Nick!
      Okay, so now we have some sun, but it is accompanied by a weather warning for wind!! What the hell is that all about.?!!


  7. Pat Mackay

    I have a Sea Salt mack for the light stuff and a Travel Light total cover up for torrents. Essential as I walk everywhere locally. I’ve just bought an outfit for my granddaughter’s wedding and am so relieved that it Is comfy – pretty, cover up and I can wear pretty sandals and NO hat. Photos hopefully after the event – next month.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Kylie – Apologies for my late reply – but it has stopped raining!!! There is sun and perhaps we might be having a summer after all.



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