Sunday Music – The Map Version

There has been much chatter across the blogs in the past week about having some sort of celebration of cartography. Mr Devine started it HERE. WE ALL WANT TO MAKE MAPS NOW. Especially Dinah. And me. My proposition is that during the month of July, those of us who are interested, make some sort of map. And it can be about anything – gardens; groynes; coastal erosion; a personal, yet musical journey from 1978 to 1983; how a local bakery displays its cakes; a map of your progress through 24hrs [especially if you stay indoors]; or a chart of the best way through your local supermarket. Think big, think small. Post every day about maps, or post just once, it doesn’t matter, think of it as ‘show and tell’. Oh, and it can be physical, or digital – anything goes!

In other news: I have opened a shop!!! On this blog!! Yes, please feel free to give me money, and in return I will give you a piece of nice water colour paper with more bits of paper stuck on it. But, please don’t all rush at once as the shop isn’t well stocked, but I do hope to fill it with more of this sort of thing:-

Interactive Collage!!!

This is my first interactive collage – made from recycled blog posts and a removable vintage crossword puzzle.

…and without the vintage crossword.

I really think that I have now mastered this marketing malarkey. Charmaine begs to differ.

FINALLY, what you have ALL been waiting for. The Sunday Music…..

40 thoughts on “Sunday Music – The Map Version

  1. dinahmow

    Yay!You’ve kicked off the July Map Challenge. Thank you, Scarlet. I’ll try to get a post up at mine in a couple of hours(mostly for the benefit of local people.Because “this is a local challenge, for local people.”
    Um, no, it’s not restricted to this hemisphere. Anyone can play!
    If you do make a map, and I hope all my/our readers will, please leave a link in comments(Scarlet’s or mine) so we can all go and have a laug—look.
    Oh, come on! It’ll be fun! It can, as Scarlet says, be almost anything. So, have a rummage around in your old school bag for that mapping pen and don’t panic if its nib has been splayed – old-style map-make had to draw, carefully,tongue sticking out of mouth MURIEL! But with a splayed nib you only have to draw the outline once. So get cracking and send us links.
    We’ll run til the end of July (Hooley if you’re Spanish.)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Scarlet Post author

    You have caught me with my drawers down, Dinah, as I am having yet another mysterious problem with WordPress – probably Safari/Apple related – anyhow, I will gather myself together, and talk maps. I have mine planned, and I’m very excited for July! Rain or shine, there will be maps! I might not be using a pen much though.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: JULY MAP MONTH | Moreidlethoughts Weblog

  4. Inexplicable DeVice

    I want, nay, NEED the D is for Duck collage!! I shall do the shop email thingy in a mo – just need to finish commenting, first…

    I am really excited about the map challenge. REALLY excited! I loved making that Star Trek star map thingy, and have a vague idea for a blog map, but first need to finish (start, even) the LGBTQ themed Trek art challenge by the end of this month.
    A splendid Sunday Music choice. One of my favourite TV show themes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh my goodness, Mr Devine!!! Are you sure?!!! I hope the PayPal button thingy works, it has not been tested. Thank you *blushes and goes a bit silly*
      Yes, I have plans for the map project. Everything will probably end up in more of a muddle than it already is!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. batarde

    Maps? Bless my cartographical soul, the idea’s a good ‘un … and it also fits nicely with a spot of long-planned mischief. Wot larks.

    As the proud owner of the crossword themed collage I can say with some confidence that Miss Scarlet’s creations will not disappoint. Buy soon before the galleries catch on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      I thought you would like the map idea, Mr Batarde!! If you send me pictures of your creations I would be happy to display them for you, as I think that a map might be off-piste for a crossword blogger.
      Thank you for your kind words!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. batarde

        That sounds like a good plan, and I do like that “creations” plural. By the way, it’s *prize winning* crossword blogger now …. :-)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Scarlet Post author

        You have won a prize???! You see, I have always been too dim to keep up with the crossword blog, but congratulations!
        Yes, I am an optimistic soul with my plurals aren’t I?!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. batarde

        Ha, well, it would appear that my Times jumbo entry was drawn out of Rupert’s hat, so that means prizes (the optimistic plural again). I’m flabbergasted, having never won a raffle before.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. batarde

        Assorted reference books, including the Collins dictionary. I haven’t got that one! Belated congrats on the disposable camera. :-)


      5. Scarlet Post author

        I have the Collins, and the Oxford, the Oxford is better! I’ve yet to use the camera – where would I get the film developed? It’d probably cost a fortune!


  6. Autolycus

    I suppose one could honour your choice of music with a vertical map: “Ground floor, perfumery, leather goods and stationery, wigs and haberdashery…..” Now that would be some collage; but while I may be crafty in some ways, I’m lethal with glue and such, so I’ll just leave the idea there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Have you tried double-sided tape, Mr Auty? It’s much easier than glue.
      Exactement regarding my musical choice this week! It is a vertical collage!!


  7. mrpeenee

    I want some Wonky Words stuff. Like Device, I was so excited I wrote this comment before I even tried finding the shop.

    I think I will take a crack at map making, but only as a text based effort. Sort of like Interpretive Danse for cartography.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      I would love to see your text based map, Mr Peenee! I think I will be making more than one, and none of them will make much sense.
      I am flattered beyond comprehension that both you and Mr Devine want a little bit of Wonky Words!!


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Steady, Mr Devine!! I am working my way through the alphabet, I am up to ‘e’ now, but want to finish the collection before photographing them for the shop. AND then I will start some more individual pieces. The shop will be bursting with stock by mid July! Or I might get distracted by stuff and they’ll be a couple of leaflets ready in time for Christmas.


  8. nick

    Goodness, map-making, that’s a bit challenging. Maybe a map of all those English towns and villages with odd names – like Upper Snodsbury, North Piddle, Nether Wallop, Mudford Sock, Blubberhouses, Great Snoring, Bitchfield, Tedstone Wafer….(I could go on)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Nick, apologies, I thought I’d replied to all my comments. I think I will let you run with this idea and I expect to see a map from you by mid-July!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      You are very kind, Mr Devine! I am determined to render the whole alphabet in collage, and hopefully have it all in my shop. I am up to ‘e’, but am feeling bored with it already – why are there so many letters in the alphabet? But I will finish, though this collection is not not something I will repeat!



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