Tag Archives: New Order

A Seamy Tale of Cheap Love After 7pm….

I made this….


Yes, I have collaged my favourite Private Eye clipping featuring the seamy affair between Mr R D Smith and his part-time love, Mrs Kelly, stitched together and exposed via the media of misprints and classified ads. I haven’t made a collage for almost a year, so I’m pleased that I tried. I’m not altogether happy with the result, but I framed it all the same…

framed collage

This photo isn’t so much about the collage, it’s about the rain running down the window pane. Yep, whilst the rest of the UK basks in glorious sunshine the rain still finds Devon. And what is this nonsense about a heat warning for the whole country from Monday???? The temperatures here are forecast to get no higher than 23C on Wednesday – which is normal.

I finish with my ear worm of the week – I thank Jon for this as he unwittingly put it in my head. This is the short version…

Next Week:- Joy rushed to the oven. “I do believe my buns are on fire” she cried.