A Seamy Tale of Cheap Love After 7pm….

I made this….


Yes, I have collaged my favourite Private Eye clipping featuring the seamy affair between Mr R D Smith and his part-time love, Mrs Kelly, stitched together and exposed via the media of misprints and classified ads. I haven’t made a collage for almost a year, so I’m pleased that I tried. I’m not altogether happy with the result, but I framed it all the same…

framed collage

This photo isn’t so much about the collage, it’s about the rain running down the window pane. Yep, whilst the rest of the UK basks in glorious sunshine the rain still finds Devon. And what is this nonsense about a heat warning for the whole country from Monday???? The temperatures here are forecast to get no higher than 23C on Wednesday – which is normal.

I finish with my ear worm of the week – I thank Jon for this as he unwittingly put it in my head. This is the short version…

Next Week:- Joy rushed to the oven. “I do believe my buns are on fire” she cried.

21 thoughts on “A Seamy Tale of Cheap Love After 7pm….

  1. batarde

    Oh yes, very natty. By a curious coincidence I too have a collage (featuring an Xmas Duck) in an identical frame. It occupies a prominent spot atop the escritoire, next to the portrait of Mystic Mog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Batarde! What a lovely surprise to have you gracing the sea-glass of the Wonky Words blog once again!
      I am hoping that this doesn’t turn out to be a mystic post, as I have been troubled since pressing the publish button – I am worried by the prospect of burning buns, and now you have dropped Mystic Mog into the equation! What with the tune and everything.
      Anyhow, I am pleased that the Xmas Duck turned out to be for life, and not just for Christmas!!


  2. Jon

    I absolutely love that Private Eye sequence of snippets! Cheap, indeed…

    The video, though – did you mean to post The Psychedelic Furs? Only that may be a clip from the film, but the music’s definitely not them… Jx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Jon – It’s the funniest thing ever – I love it – I must have read it 100s of times and it always makes me laugh! I just imagine all the bizarre phone calls that Mrs Kelly received!
      Ah, yes, I have caused confusion with my ear worm! Yes, Elegia by New Order was the tune that I was reminded of when I listened to your Sophie Ellis Bexter ear worm!! And, yes, Elegia is one of the best tunes to feature in the film, Pretty in Pink – it has a fantastic soundtrack! One of my all time favourite films.


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Jon – I started visualising the film in my head, and Elegia came with it! I know, it’s a superior type of ear worm!
        I’ve got OMD If You Leave in my head now because that’s at the very end of the film.


  3. Nick Rogers

    This is a bit mysterious. If it’s Mr R D Smith who’s selling the sewing machine, why should people ask for Mrs Kelly? And if the person answering the phone is neither Mr Smith or Mrs Kelly, who is it? Is it another person who might be sharing Mr R D Smith’s bed? I think we should be told.
    My thoughts and prayers are with Joy as her buns are inadvertently incinerated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Nick – It’s thrilling, isn’t it, trying to figure out the living arrangements of Mr R D Smith?! I think it is Mrs Kelly answering the phone, unfortunately the callers are being rather lewd considering that she has been described as cheap, and are showing little interest in purchasing a sewing machine. I wonder if they ever managed to sell it?!


  4. IDV

    While the seamy affair is still very amusing, the price of fabric from Sherrys is rather eye-watering for 1979! Still, it makes for a splendid collage.

    P.S. Does your picnic table get much use?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – That’s what I thought – expensive for 1979! I think it was material for 2 or 3 sets of curtains, and one of those pairs was for my bedroom, possibly. They were cartoonish – my mum chose them in an effort to stop me turning into a teenager. Sigh.
      Sid darts under the picnic table to do a wee when it’s raining as he hates getting wet, when it’s dry he’ll cock his leg up the side of it, so no I haven’t used it much!


  5. savannah49

    Not sure about the musical choice because I don’t remember the group, BUT I did watch Andrew McCarthy’s documentary about “The Brat Pack” the other day. Pretty in Pink was cute……… xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Scarlet Post author

        Savvy – Way back in the 80’s I had a crush on Andrew McCarthy – another reason why I love Pretty in Pink. Another great tune in the film is Try a Little Tenderness! I’m going to have to watch it later.
        I’m glad the collage made you laugh – there needs to be more laughter in this world!


  6. Mitzi

    Mr DeVice has beaten me to it, regarding the outrageously priced fabrics, should have gone to Dunelms.
    Mr Smith is a dream boat.
    Your geranium is looking a bit leggy, if you chop it down to just 2 inches it will reward you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thank you, Mitzi, I’ve been meaning to Google ‘leggy Geranium’! I’ll give it the chop when the flower falls off.
      I can’t figure the price of the fabric – my parents weren’t exactly flash with cash! But then again, my mum knew about fabric, and if it was for the bedrooms then she would have gone with a thick, lined curtain – we had a lot of light pollution!


  7. dinahmow

    Wonderful nuttiness in the Smith/Kelly household. It’s given my day a good start.
    In fact, it’s jogged my memory…I used to collect daft misprints. One of the favourites was: ears piersed while you wait. (I count the spelling as extra!)

    I shall pop in again later for an update on poor Joy’s dilemma…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah – I’m pleased it’s set you up for a good day! I love a misprint, or a misspell – unintended laughter is the best.
      I’m still figuring out what to do with Joy, and her buns.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. mrpeenee

    I’m very concerned about R.D. and his much publicized lovelife. He was probably just another mid-century closet case who just wanted to get back to his drag career as the Fabulous Mrs. Kelly.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. melaniereynolds

    I really like the collage! I too thought the fabric was pricey for the time as a fabric shop is one of my favorite places to be.

    I also really liked the song but Molly Ringwald’s outfits have me cringing so hard I got a momentary feeling of middle school angst all over again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thank you, Melanie!
      Yes, I think the receipt includes fabric, and the making of 2 pairs of curtains, so maybe not so bad.
      The glasses Molly wears in one of the clips – I have the exact same rose gold pair now!! I can’t say I liked her Prom dress – I know she made it from 2 other dresses, but I preferred Annie Pott’s dress in its original state – I love it as it’s so frothy – and then Molly cuts it up – Grrrr.



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