Chasing a Pension Pot

They have my money but will not help me find my old pension pot. I have sent them two letters with forms downloaded from their website with ALL the information they need to trace my pension. I have phoned them – they did try to help over the phone but eventually told me to send my documentation by email – which I did. They then claimed that my documentation wasn’t attached to the email – it so was, and I can prove it…. Ack. They are sending me round in circles, despite encouraging people to trace their old pensions, THEY ARE NOT BEING HELPFUL!!!! I have been trying to get information from them since January. I don’t know why I am surprised by their incompetence, as a page has been set up on Facebook to complain about them. I am so frustrated.

I have now decided to make my pension tracing efforts into a calligraphy project. My first envelope to them was addressed in block capitals in Bic Biro. This is my second envelope…

address envelope in copperplate calligraphy

It is a little more fancy, but nothing over the top. I intend to add more decoration and flourishing as the months go by, and then maybe, just maybe, I might get a reply – even if it’s just a cease and desist notice.

39 thoughts on “Chasing a Pension Pot

  1. Mitzi

    This sounds horribly like real life, I’m not equipped to deal with real life that’s why I have a maid. Scottish you see, they want to keep your money for as long as possible, they was a Scottish couple at breakfast last holiday, she was decantering cava into her portable drinking bottle, I didn’t say anything, how could I with my knickers full of Nesquik drinking chocolate sachets. The fancy envelope is a bit like putting a ribbon around your coal bin, it might work if you scent the envelope with the smell of Scotland, take it to your local chippy and ask them to waft the envelope over the fryers.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Scarlet Post author

    Same here, Mitzi, I’m really not equipped to deal with real life either – I’m hoping that my calligraphy project will make it all a little unreal and more bearable.

    Ha! I will dig out some tartan ribbon and my old Bay City Rollers memorabilia – that’ll make them reply!



  3. Scarlet Post author

    Dinah – Spot on! I can forward everything to the Financial Ombudsman, and also Charlie Nunn, the CEO of the Lloyd’s Banking Group. Lloyd’s took over Scottish Widows, so are responsible.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh my goodness, yes, Savvy, bureaucracy is insane in the UK! I have TV programmes on my list that I might approach who may be interested because of the calligraphy angle – think quirky story to raise spirits at the end of the news! I am thinking ahead…. Possibly for a mere extra £10.50 a month, but it’s the principle!


  4. IDV

    I hope someone in the Scottish Widows post opening team thinks to scan the envelope as well as its contents before chucking it in the bin. Sorry to be all practical about things – that’s what happens when one works for a pension company (NOT Scottish Widows, I hasten to add). At my place, all the post is scanned once opened then uploaded to some computer system, then seemingly “touched” by two or three different people/teams before finding its way to where it’s supposed to go. Mostly.

    Speaking of being practical: Do you know for definite that the pensions are with SW (and haven’t been sold on to a different company or companies, as happens reasonably often)? It might also be worth trying the Pension Tracing Service (if you haven’t already)?

    P.S. If I worked in SW’s post opening team, I’d definitely scan your envelope. And show it to my boss, too!

    P.P.S. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – It’s complicated! It’s an old workplace pension, and it should have been transferred somewhere in the 90s, but I didn’t sign any paperwork, so I just want SW to tell me where it went. The workplace has long been taken over by Aon – so that’s not helpful, they aren’t going to have a clue. All the information I need will probably be on microfiche, in a box, in a warehouse, in the middle of a field in Hampshire, or thereabouts – I can see it in my minds eye!!!


      1. IDV

        Oh, dear. Still, parts of Hampshire can be quite nice at this time of year. Or so I’ve heard. Perhaps we should all clamber into Car II and go and find this field. I just hope there won’t be too many cowpats.
        Now, does anyone have a portable microfiche reader? Or at least one that will fit in the boot of a Mazda3?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Scarlet Post author

        Mr Devine – Do you think I’m on the right track with my imaginings? I know when I worked in London that very old policies and their huge associated paper files were stored offsite in Warehouses, so I’m assuming SW have a similar arrangement. These old warehouses had a habit of burning down!!
        But yes, I think we should all gather for a trip to Hampshire, I will polish the bath mat suckers in preparation, we don’t need the Mazda3…. Oh hang about, that probably would be more comfortable!


      3. IDV

        I do think your imaginings are on the right track. I’m sure that many of the original policy documents for the pensions I deal with are slowly fossilising under their own weight in a giant warehouse somewhere.

        As for the trip, I ought to point out that Car II doesn’t like getting dirty so we may have to park up somewhere near the field and walk the rest of the way. Whereas a flying rubber octopus-sucker math mat – although possibly less comfortable and definitely more likely to necessitate the use of a headscarf – should get us there without getting covered in cowpats.

        Unless it doesn’t. But at least it’s wipe clean!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Scarlet Post author

        Have you seen the microfiche reader??? It’s huge. Would Car mind pulling a trailer? Obviously the flying rubber octopus-sucker mat is fine pulling a trailer.
        Would it be easier for me to try to get a job at Scottish Widows and do an inside job? It has crossed my mind!


    2. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – I have tried the pension tracing thing – it wasn’t helpful and told me everything I already knew. It’s pretty useless really, in my opinion.

      The government has all the answers because it has my NI number – so it should know where all my pensions are. They make everything as clear as mud!



  5. Mistress Borghese

    I am more confused then ever and it isn’t the gin! I just came from Mr DeVice from giving him a good rub down, and learned that you have had many new posts to my dismay. Yet my readers didn’t update. I think I’m getting you two blogs mixed up between the two different blogs. is this back to the original one?

    And you much too kind sending them such beautiful handy work I will say. That issue sounds like a headache.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Scarlet Post author

    Mistress Maddie – Yes, this is the old blog – the WordPress one – I really did want to return to Blogger but I have so much baggage here that I couldn’t go through with it!

    With the calligraphy envelopes I am working on the assumption that someone does indeed have to open the mail and chuck the envelope in the bin – at some point the destructor of envelopes will feel a pang of remorse and flag my case and I might get bumped up in the queue of outstanding pension pots. Somebody will have to drive out to that warehouse in Hampshire and retrieve my stored information! Live in hope, etc



      1. 63mago

        I doubt. Needs one full sitting place & safety belt, because it’s prone to toppling over, sorry. But it works still fine, and comes with various optics / lenses.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. IDV

        Oh, crikey! That thing looks enormous! And very dusty. I don’t think Car II will allow it anywhere its boot, nevermind in it (if it would even fit). The octopus-sucker bath mat it is, then. Or that van you mentioned.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. IDV

        Well, perhaps Mr Mags can drive the van as he is used to large and unwieldy vehicles, and the rest of us (or just a select few*) can go in Car.

        *After all, someone (or someones) will have to be Mr Mags’ co-driver!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Scarlet Post author

        Oh! Now I am torn! The idea of being the boss of Mr Mags is appealing! I might go in the van as well.
        I hope you are making notes for your story over the cusp, Mr Devine?


      5. IDV

        But of course. Links to comments have been saved and I’ve started some cogs turning to get everyone where they need to be.

        Although, whether they’ll all be in place at the right time is another matter…

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Scarlet Post author

        Of course the policy will end up being worth a whole lot more than I expected due to the compensation, and a couple of forgotten about clauses. I will share the money and we will all live happily ever after!


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