Did You See?

It’s Saturday. This is my 4th post of my 10 day stint!! I know, time is flying and Jon will be home before he knows it, his holiday already receding into the past in 6 days time…
Anyhow as it is Saturday, and we all want to chill, I am simply going to upload some weather pictures that feature sky…and er…clouds and weathery imagery. But, quick question: Did anybody see The Northern lights last weekend??? I saw nothing – I did have a picture of a black sky. I have excluded it from this little gallery of the weather that was this week…

Have a lovely weekend! Or feel free to continue the chat about party lines and telephone boxes.

P.S Click on the gallery to make big to see the weather in all its glory!

21 thoughts on “Did You See?

  1. IDV

    Yay! FIrst!! (It’s been a while…)

    Anyway, no, I didn’t see the Northern Lights either. I even took Camera (and Tripod!) down to the seafront after an evening at my sister’s on Saturday but only got photos of stars. Bah!

    Your weather photos (and countryside) are lovely. They have inspired me to take Camera with me when I walk Bitey. Maybe I’ll be able to make a blog post out of the results?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Of course you will be able to make a blogpost from the results, Mr Devine! See if you can find a phone box to photograph – that’ll be a surefire winner!!
      First, indeed!!! Happy days!


      1. IDV

        There are at least two phone boxes in the village – hopefully one of them will be conducive to me taking photos of it. Although not right now as it is quite misty. And I have just made a cup of coffee. And I need to put my contact lenses in. And brush my teeth!

        I would like to walk down your cow parsley bordered lane. I must find one around here to walk Bitey down.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Scarlet Post author

        But I love misty photos!!!!

        Yes, the cow parsley is looking lovely and the Hawthorn has started putting on a show, finally. It looks like prep for a wedding round here.


        Liked by 1 person

  2. dinahmow

    Northern Lights?? Not here, darling! Those in more Southern regions of the Pacific and Atlantic had some SPECTACULAR displays of the aurora Australis. You could spend hours trawling through Google.

    Of course, I didn’t even bother, being in the tropics, but- bugger me! the damned lights were “effing marvellous!” according to someone I know. A bit too much light pollution locally for me, but a short(ish) drive up the Valley produced some stunning views https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/12/aurora-australis-offers-second-chance-of-bloody-awesome-southern-lights-display-on-sunday

    Ah, well…I did see them, long ago, and was terrified that it was a forest fire!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Well, that’s the thing Dinah, I want to experience them in real life and not just look at the pictures. Apparently people took pictures of them from Bideford, and Exeter – NOT FAIR!!! I have no light pollution here.

      Apparently the lights may be back tonight. I shall keep a look out and use a long exposure.


      Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thanks, Savvy! We’ve had a good week, even the mud has dried up. Right now we’re waiting for a storm so the air is a little bit tense.


  3. Mitzi

    Sometimes when I’m feeling extra energetic I offer to take the next door neighbour’s dog for a walk, she’s a retired working dog for the blind and I like to walk her with my eyes closed, she has led me up the garden path a few times, I was later informed she only works when she wears the harness, otherwise she’s just a normal dog, it was on a walking expedition I BUMPED into a telephone box/pissoir just around the corner from me, I’ve walked passed it a few times since then with my eyes open.

    I saw the Northern lights years ago in Scotland of all places, looking out to sea I thought it was an oil rig on fire. Fingers crossed you get to see them tonight.

    It was whilst walking the dog I saw a mole for the first time, scuttling around its mound, it was no bigger than a hamster.

    lovely photographs, and the weather looks good for a change.

    Going to Poole in July, house hunting never been before.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mitzi – Poole????? Poole??? We’ll almost be neighbours!! Why would you be house hunting in somewhere you’ve never been before?? Are you moving to Sandbanks????

      I’ve only ever seen dead moles in the lane – and I always feel very sorry for them. I know people loathe molehills in their gardens, but I think they are fascinating, and they look so velvety. I also like shrews and voles.

      As for the phone box – couldn’t you smell it a mile off??



      1. Mitzi

        No sadly not Scarlet, the property value would soon plummet if I lived there, but I will give my neighbours where I am now, the impression that I am moving to Southbanks, that’ll teach em to be critical about my fruit scones I made for Macmillan coffee morning.

        I’ll be staying in Poole and visiting the surrounding areas, I’ve been to Bournemouth and Swanage before so maybe look around those areas, perhaps squeeze in a visit to Weymouth. Dorset, it’s not set in stone I still have Chichester and Eastbourne to visit yet.

        I look at YouTube videos on the telly, and take notes, I’m an armchair tourist.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Scarlet Post author

        Mitzi – I don’t know why I don’t watch more YouTubes on the telly? It feels wrong not being on a laptop or iPad. I am a creature of habit, sadly.

        Chichester and Eastbourne are expensive now – but Eastbourne is at least near Brighton. I’ve heard good things about Swanage. I look forward to receiving a housewarming invitation!



  4. melaniereynolds

    That’s a nice pair of Ents in the top right picture! And sheep! I love your and IDVs countryside photos! It makes me feel close to a place I have yet to be in physical form.

    It’s so nice to see these and a post from you! I’ve been spending all my time outside. Springtime in the Pacific Northwest doesn’t know the meaning of restraint!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hello, Melanie!

      I’m glad that you feel like this about the photos! I’m worried about those two trees – I photograph them often – they’ve taken so long to come into leaf, which means that they are probably Ash trees and I guess they are dying. There’s a lot of Ash die back round here. It will change the landscape when they are gone.

      The Beech trees were out first, then the Oak, and now the struggling Ash trees are doing their best. On the plus side the Hawthorn is in blossom now – my favourite.

      I’m standing in for Jon for 10 days – and I’m about to publish my 5th post – which is kind of remarkable!!


      Liked by 1 person

  5. Kylie

    Hi Scarlet!
    I have to say I am impressed with your daily posting! Yay you!
    The countryside looks glorious and i hope you enjoy it every single day

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Kylie – I know! I now have a 5 day streak!! Only 5 days to go.

      I am enjoying the weather now, but it’s been a long wet and windy Winter – not looking forward to the next one.



  6. Jon

    Lovely photos! “England’s green and pleasant land”, indeed. We had a long train journey from Jerez to Malaga during our sojourn, and it was mainly flat and featureless, with endless uniform rows of olive trees (until we came through the “Lake District” of El Chorro, and saw people walking the infamous Caminito del Rey). Spain doesn’t have “countryside” as we know it; too dry.

    As for the Northern Lights, we’re in London. They may have appeared here, but with the amount of light pollution (and the general mizzle that was the weather before we left) I imagine they might have been a bit underwhelming. Hey ho.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Jon – Well that was a terrifying 6 minutes!! It looks more dangerous than the Dorset coastline! Have you ever walked it? I’d never manage it – I’d be sobbing at the thought of it.

      I was very disappointed by the Northern Lights – I did see that photos were taken in Barnstaple and Exeter, but I didn’t see a thing, and I have no light pollution here.




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