Not a Post

Iam not writing a post today because I am blank. There will be no words. No insightful repartee. Nada. I feel like I’ve only had 3hrs sleep in the last 5 weeks and this has left me groggy and grumpy. AND, I have no whisky left.

Here is a picture. It is of a piece of brown paper and features white writing.


I wrote this with Mistress MJ in mind because I believe it’s one of her favourite quotes. I kind of liked the challenge of adding a shadow effect on such tiny writing.

Anyhow, to complete this post, which isn’t a post, but simply the mumblings of an addled person who is having intrusive thoughts about baby blue royal icing, here is a tune…

I chose this tune because of the slam-door trains in the video. I once got my thumb stuck in the hinge of a slam door. I slammed the door and then wondered why I couldn’t sit down, thankfully a fellow commuter opened the door and released me. Another fellow commuter passed out.

Let’s hope I have something more edifying for next Friday.

32 thoughts on “Not a Post

  1. dinahmow

    Oh gawd! Those slam-door trains! They had those ghastly up-and-down windows, too. Perfect for romantic movie scenes, but a right bugger when they got stuck in the “down” position. In winter.
    I’d send some whisky, but my budget is somewhat depleted.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah – Oh those bloody windows – you had to put your shoulder into it to get ’em up. Or ask someone who looked stronger, and just as cold to help. Sometimes the carriages would stay in the sidings on a rainy night with the windows open – the seats would be sodden the next morning. I always used to pat the sit before sitting down. Commuting was a bit like a survival course.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kev

        And then for Elfin Safety reasons just after the minellium they put bars on the windows to stop people knocking their heads off on passing signals so you had to wriggle your shoulder through the gaps between bars then slide down to try and reach the handle. Ugh. They only took those off the Barrow-in-Furness run last month.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Scarlet Post author

        Kev – I thought I was so cool when I’d mastered the art of sliding down the window and reaching out to open the door in a nonchalant manner.
        To be fair I always felt anxious when people leant out the window as I feared being witness to a decapitation.


      3. looby

        The Barrow-in-Furness run? Is there a fellow-in-arms here? (I’m from Lancaster). I had my first introduction to a soon-to-be-baned “plant food” from a lad on his 25th birthday who had come to Lancaster to celebrate it. I asked him why on earth he would come to Lancaster for a birthday. “Believe me mate, Lancaster’s exciting compared to Barrow.”

        Scarlet — you describe the slam door incident with an equanimity I assume you were unable to muster at the time.


      4. Scarlet Post author

        Looby – After slamming my thumb in the door I had a 45 minute journey home, and at no point during the journey did I deviate from the unwritten rules of being a commuter on British Rail. I was calm until I got through my own front door.
        On seeing my thumb stuck in the door hinge my first thought was: Shit, I’ve lost my thumb, closely followed by: Yay! two weeks off work!


  2. Mitzi

    Freeze a hot water bottle or a whisky bottle and take it to bed with you, make sure you fill it with water first. I wonder if Abba will return the complement and record Living On The Ceiling.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mitzi – Would ice cubes in a food bag work? I have lost my hot water bottle.
      You have cheered me up, I am now wondering what Living On The Ceiling by Abba would sound like!


  3. batarde

    Not much of a reply either … it’s been too hot for rational thought, much less anything more strenuous. And you’ve been beavering away doing drop shadows! How you muster the energy is a mystery to me. As is the bit about the royal icing, come to think of it – what gives?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      I have no idea what gives re the royal icing, Mr Batarde. It is a mystery. A genuine mystery. I don’t even like royal icing.
      Yes, it has been too warm to do anything much – I am beyond thinking!


  4. Inexplicable DeVice

    I find myself muttering “What fresh Hell is this?” at work quite a lot. It’s nice to know from whence it came – thank you. Although, the way I say it isn’t anywhere near as pretty as the way you write it!

    I’ve never heard Blancmange’s version of “The Day Before You Came” before (one of my favourite ABBA songs). I’m not sure what I think about it, but I do like that he reads Barbara Cartland rather than Marilyn French. Agnetha’s looking good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – I thought ‘What fresh hell’ was particularly apt for the week just gone.
      I was originally going to post the Abba version, but stumbled across the Blancmange, and it appealed to me.
      Ha! Well spotted re the book!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jon

    That “non-post” is longer than some bloggers’ entire posts.

    Blancmange’s The Day Before You Came is one of my favourite cover versions, ever! I love the bit where, po-faced, he sings “There’s not, I think, a single episode of ‘Dallas’ that I did not see” [one of Benny & Bjorn’s most strangulated cod-English lyrics] to the theme of Coronation Street

    I was awoken by massive downpours in the wee small hours, and didn’t get out of bed till 1pm today. so I too am feeling somewhat groggy. “What fresh Hell”, indeed. Jx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Jon – I must say I am quite taken by this cover of my favourite Abba tune ever!
      I wish Benny and Bjorn would write a sequel, actually they could probably write a whole musical based on The Day Before You Came.


  6. nick

    Ooh, I’m on the edge of my seat. Why the baby blue royal icing? Are you planning an iced cake? Do you just like the sound of the words? Is there a toddler blue? Is the royal icing recommended by Her Majesty? So many unanswered questions….

    The thumb in the slam door sounds nasty. I hope your thumb wasn’t damaged and it quickly recovered its normal thumbiness.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Scarlet Post author

    Nick – I have no idea where the royal blue icing came from, and thankfully it has gone.
    I still have a thumb. When I saw it trapped in the hinge of the door it did cross my mind that it had been severed. I had it X-rayed at the hospital because it doubled in size and went blue. It is fine now.


  8. 63mago

    I think it is now the right time to tackle your whisky problem, darling. A glass of Sylvaner will drive Grumpy & Groggy away, I am sure. Thumps up – or better : Rise, lone survivor ! – and there’s always time for an icing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Lovely to see you, Mr Mags! Sadly, I am not fond of wine. I know, this is an appalling admission – but all the more for you.
      It did look a bit withered for a while – the thumb that is. It is fine now – strong bones, perhaps.
      Should I make cup-cakes?


      1. 63mago

        Cup cakes are nice, good for any occasion. But I think it is not necessary to colour them blue – I confess that IDVs blue meal lingers still around my inner eye.
        Glad to see that you made a full recovery from that thumb incident, and I am sure your de-grumpification is going strong too.
        BTW I very much like your map of Mogwash.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Apologies, Monsieur Pain – you ended up in my spam box again. The security has tightened here and I have no idea why they are picking on you.
      You have gone all Freudian on me!! I like it.



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