A Portrait of the Universe….

…..on a chair!!!

For Mr Devine. I hope he has received it by now. I posted it [via a red post box] on Thursday, so I’m guessing he should be, at this very moment in time, overwhelmed by the magnitude of his mail. Or, the postman has dropped it in a puddle and he is now drying out the universe on a radiator whilst eating a ham sandwich. I send these things out and hope for the best, but I do keep a photographic record just in case there is a hideous incident along the way.


YES!!! The Universe!!! Now available…. ON A CHAIR!!!!!!


The USS Enterprise….ON A CHAIR!!!


A CHAIR!!!!!!!


…sent with an explanatory note….

vintage 1st class stamp uk

….and an appropriate stamp, featuring Ms Norma.

I know that this is probably not the most visually stimulating art, but I so enjoyed making it! I enjoyed making it so much that I even bothered to hunt down an appropriate stamp. I intend to make more, I intend to make more abstract versions of my blogging experience! Yes, the digital made real! Some I will send out to terrify delight a chosen victim recipient, and others I will keep to decorate the downstairs loo. Lots to do then!

Meanwhile, March was a sad month. Many thanks to everyone who left supportive comments on my previous post.

31 thoughts on “A Portrait of the Universe….

  1. batarde

    Aha. Pritting about again, Scarlet? Your creation is rather cosmic, as they used to say in a faraway galaxy long, long ago – back when Hawkwind were much the same as ever. So glad you’ve found something to enjoy after a rotten month.


    Oh, the penny has just dropped about Brundlefly! It does, too!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dinahmow

    Wow! You’re pretty good at these things, aren’t you …and a chair!

    I never saw that Brundlefly movie, but remember the story from waaaay back. I wonder if it’s crossed HM’s mind?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Ha Ha!!! Thank you, Dinah!! I’m not sure if I’m good at these or not – but they are so much fun to make – I could spend the rest of my life making them. Obviously I will die very poor!!


  3. Inexplicable DeVice

    I have it! I have the Universe in the palm of my hand!! Mwah hah hah hah haaaa!!!

    This chair’s quite heavy, though. I’m going to have to put it down…

    Thank you, Ms Scarlet, for a wonderful Universe (even though you put Uranus on the envelope) x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – I’m pleased the Universe is in safe hands, finally!! I should have photographed it all on a chair!! What was I thinking?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Jon – it is all getting more and more bizarre on my blog, isn’t it?! Yes, Uranus on the envelope – Mr Devine has exposed my secret!


  4. lisleman

    Very nice. I find science just amazing. I recently dragged/convinced my wife to see a documentary on Apollo 11. New found footage never seen by the public. I was delighted but she survived. Back before Edwin Hubble, most thought the whole universe was what we now have figured out is just our galaxy. Today the observable universe is estimated to contain 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies. Now the latest “thing” is multiverses. Everyone gets a universe. I see you have a nice one on your chair.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Bill – Yes, Space is way too big for my tiny mind. Maybe we do all have a universe? Maybe we all have infinite possibilities and outcomes? We have to sit down to think about it all though 🙂


      1. Scarlet Post author

        Bill – Well that was Fab!!! Yep, Halloween should be interesting… no doubt we’ll do nothing until October 15th, and then they’ll be a flurry of mad voting.


  5. nick

    Funny, I’ve been inspecting all my chairs very carefully but none of them shows any signs of the presence of the universe. Maybe they’re not comfortable enough and the universe would prefer a really top-of-the-range sofa which unfortunately I can’t afford.

    Mind you, I think I might have glimpsed the universe in a teacup a few days ago. It was either the universe or a stray sugar lump.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Nick – I’m sure some of the universe will be loitering on your chair. You will have to look harder. Maybe you have a star on your chaise longue?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Thank you, Mr Mags, I feel much more in control now that I have sorted out the universe. Now all I have to do is put Brexit in the toaster – much harder than any universe malarkey.



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