
Calligraphy Tip no. 34

…and not only a calligraphy tip, but also a beauty tip!!! A double tipped post!!! What could be better????

Apologies. I am a little fraught, having spent the morning trying to sync my wretched devices. They have decided that they hate each other and are refusing to share anything… especially photographs. I have tried talking rationally to them, but in the end I resorted to tricking them into doing what I wanted them to do. I am female, so it wasn’t that difficult… but they shared the relevant information very slowly.

Anyhow, what was the calligraphy tip??? Oh yes…. if you would like to add some subtle colour to white calligraphy simply colour it in with coloured pencil… just make sure that the white is proper dry before you do, or it might get a bit messy.


A Helpful Beauty Tip


Colouring in



How To Shave Safely



45 thoughts on “Calligraphy Tip no. 34

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh Mr Ducks, these devices have given me such a headache! To be honest the calligraphy took less time than the technology. I have searched the internet for an answer… it seems I’m not the only one with rebellious devices.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, Grouchy Dearest, but I used to get in a muddle with an abacus… if there’s a muddle to be had, I’ll find it.
      My words have an attractive blush today! Thank you!


  1. Z

    Fortunately, I have blonde thighs, so I’ve never had to shave them. Actually, looking again, I’m not only blonde but also nearly hairless there. I’m not sure if this is good or bad, I’m a bit worried now.

    My devices are pretty friendly on the whole but, whilst my phone calendar shares info to my iPads, they keep information to themselves, which is a nuisance. I have to do it via the computer and sometimes I think there are too many devices.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Do not worry about your thighs, dear Z! I used thighs to pique the interest of Mr Lax and Mr Mags! We shall swiftly move on from thighs, and I will continue wailing about my tech issues from which I still haven’t recovered. I have no idea why my iPad is now sending my pictures to the iPhotos library… and not the Photos application like it was doing…. until the 13th July. Aaaarrgh, it’s driven me crazy.


  2. nick

    Men are just as good at tricking people into doing things. It’s called politics, ha ha.

    I like the subtle colour effect. And I’ll bear the advice in mind next time I’m shaving my thighs. Oh hang on, I’m a bloke.


  3. dinahmow

    Jeepers!All this information and most of it about things i don’t have…
    I do know a thing or two about pencils and I see you also sharpen yours(at least, the yellow one) the “proper” way. Beyond that, life is a mystery


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Dinah, I don’t think I’ve ever sharpened the blue pencil!
      Perhaps I should have spread all this information over two posts… dang it, now I’ll have to think of something new for next week…


    2. 63mago

      Do you think there are advantages in using the “proper” or more traditional way in pencil shaping, DInahmow ? I confess that I happily bought a sharpener some years ago. There is no way back to the “Federmesser” !


  4. IDV

    I love it! The calligraphed beauty tip, that is. Especially the sheer elegance of the crossed ‘t’s – beautiful!

    As to your troubles with DeVices; we’re a funny lot and don’t tend to get along when in close proximity to each other. I would have thought a long term reader like yourself would have known this by now?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I always think of you as the Devines! But I see what you’re saying.
      Elegantly scribed beauty tips might be my new thing; I have plenty to say about eyelashes; I know how to strip varnish from doors with moisturiser, and, of course, there is my in depth knowledge regarding the Infomaniac butter stick treatment…. I could write a book….


  5. Mitzi Carte-Blanche

    Is it Wednesday already? I think machines talk to each other and plot. I saw an advertisement on the telly the other night, a woman was washing her hair and face with shampoo, it came with a warning advising viewers not to shampoo their eyes! I was heavily medicated at the time so I could have imagined it. I love the colours too it looks like mother of pearl or mother of Scarlet.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, Ms Carte, this is why I don’t allow my phone to talk to the other devices… they would all start plotting and my secret most private photo album would end up on Flickr, or worse.
      I hope you are feeling better now.


  6. Roses

    There must be something in the air. My phone has stopped sharing photos with my laptop, it’s very annoying. I’m going to do what I always do – ignore it until the frustration gets too much.

    Oh and thanks for your answer on last post. I’ve been doing drawing practice – Os and wondered whether I was doing them right.

    Also, excellent beauty advice…I may follow it…or not.

    Good to see another Staedtler fan. 🙂


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, Ms Roses…. the world of Apple has gone pear shaped…. very, very annoying. I will keep looking for answers because I’m already frustrated.
      I am a big fan of all things pen shaped 🙂


  7. 63mago

    Thank you for explaining what this strange fluid is finally good for, this mysterious “conditioner”. I always had to ask myself for what condition it would be good, in what condition it would beam me, never found the courage to use it, and questions were usually answered with a shrug and a mumble …

    The colouring gives a nice touch, but I think it needs to be done in all carefulness. Did you use a Ratzefummel afterwards ? All this could do harm to the white ink, and result in more crumpled balls.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I am liking the sound of Ratzefummel, Mr Mags! Whatever it is I think I need to use it…. is it like hairspray…. which can double as a fixative?


      1. 63mago

        Oh, it’s only a word for a rubber. I see no strokes of the pencils on the paper, so I wondered if you may have used a rubber ?

        And sorry to hear of your rioting devices – it’s a mutinity ! Send for Bligh – he’ll take lead …


      2. Scarlet Post author

        I used a soapstone pencil for the guidelines… which erases easily on dark paper, much better than ordinary pencil…. so long as the white writing has plenty of time to dry, then all is well.
        I will took about the uses of rubber cement in a future post… possibly Calligraphy Tip 22.


  8. lisleman

    female trickery – now that’s an art that would be difficult to put into an app.
    Now what if you already have chicken thighs?
    BTW – are women still called birds in the UK? I recall learning that from the Beatles.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, Bill, British women are still called birds… and plenty of other things! Although the term is decreasing in popularity. Due to men getting things thrown at them.


  9. Exile on Pain Street

    The result is fantastic but it looks like an incredibly tedious task. Is it as difficult as it looks?

    You’ve never posted a picture of your hands. Can you pose holding one of those colo(u)r pencils?

    Females are devious. Good that you acknowledge it. I’ve been tricked into many, many, many, many things I wanted nothing to do with only because of a soft voice. Works every time.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I am practicing my soft voice, Monsieur Pain…. I am more of a squawker… and when I try to be softer I get accused of mumbling!
      This is not a tedious task, nothing about calligraphy is tedious…. other than ruling guidelines… colouring the lettering is surprisingly relaxing and quick.


  10. Pingback: WRITE OF PASSAGE | Moreidlethoughts Weblog

  11. Pat

    However you do it it is beautiful. You are very talented. AND the sax! I’m floundering since embarking on windows 10 and helpful explanations only confuse me further. Back to writing sans photies. Pinning my hopes on Tom-grandson in September.



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