


Due to my lengthy absence, Sebastian had joined the local Abba tribute band in a concerted effort to dampen his despair at losing a witty, intelligent, modest and humble friend. Most evenings he could be found posturising in The Mogwash Arms, dressed in a chest flaunting white ruffled blouse teamed with black lycra bell bottoms and surrounded by fellow members of the used tea-bag Collectors Club in similar attire. After a few slugs of Campari he would impress onlookers with a range of ambitious oscillations including an inventive interpretation of a traditional Cossack dance, the climax of this routine being an impressively well rehearsed hand jive.
Reactions to my return were somewhat muted, indeed my first venture into the Mogwash Arms was greeted with hushed voices, muffled murmurs and the odd snigger. I was bewildered, hurt, confused, perplexed, and lots of other words that describe being baffled. Feigning kindness, Sebastian took me to one side and, possessed with the spirit of a pantomime villain, he slurred into my ear….
‘I knowww wherrr-ya-bittle-fortune’sss-burried… [dramatic pause as he swayed and dribbled a bit]…..I’m-gonna-put-ann-end t’all this flippin’ nonsense.’ He threw back his head and laughed with what can only be described as psychotic relish.
It was only when I arrived home that I realised what was behind his errant behaviour; Bottled Truth had been broken, shards of glass shivered in the fire place, the contents replaced with what appeared to be a brown, washed and pressed tea-bag of the Earl Grey variety….

16 thoughts on “Meanwhile….

  1. lx

    Yikes! Broken bottle!

    This reminds me of something my sixth grade English teacher read to us as a poem:

    Pop bottles pop-bottles
    In pop shops.
    The pop-bottles Pop bottles
    Poor Pop drops.
    When Pop drops pop-bottles,
    Pop-bottles plop!
    Pop-bottle-tops topple!
    Pop mops slop!
    Stop! Pop’ll drop bottle!
    Stop, Pop, stop!
    When Pop bottles pop-bottles,
    Pop-bottles pop!

    Song of the Pop-Bottlers
    Morris Bishop


    1. Scarlet

      Oh the joy of this farce hitting the big screen… Helen Mirren as the cranky bottling artist… Robert De Niro as Sebastian… I would give my permission for something like that, plus I can also see dame Judy Dench as Mrs Fitzpatrick.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Erm… between you and me, Dinah, Sebastian is based on someone I know… although the someone I know is really nothing like Sebastian… but he tickled my imagination… and he could get rather flouncy 🙂



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