Calligraphy Addressed

It is nearly February and I have not posted here since October. A lot has happened. I moved just before Christmas in between rain storms and general wet malarkey. I totally ignored Christmas, which means I didn’t send out any Christmas cards whatsoever. I was a real scrooge…. well, quite frankly, it is difficult to move and ‘do’ Christmas. Moving is very expensive and I had to cut costs somewhere. But, if I had sent out Christmas cards they may have been addressed a bit like this:-


Quirky calligraphy address label

I did miss addressing my Christmas envelopes.

When I arrived here at my new home I unpacked all my calligraphy pens, inks and paints and started working on a Herbert Reid poem called Night Ride… my first attempts can be seen on my Flickr account (see side bar) And here is my second attempt…


Night Ride by Herbert Reid

And this is a close-up…



I suppose I should have written out my change of address cards… but this was more fun! I can do my change of address cards next week…or the week after… hopefully I am going to be here for some time.

14 thoughts on “Calligraphy Addressed

  1. Not Miss Helen Anne Wheeler either

    Your calligraphy is lovely! My mum did some too. Though not with white ink on coloured paper. Do you have anything like white on purple? Or silver on purple? Do they make silver ink for calligraphy? I think that would be quite beautiful.

    So are you settled in to your new place now? All the boxes unpacked and things sorted? It takes forever, doesn’t it…

    Happy New Home, Scarlet. xoxoxo


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I love bloggers!
      Anyhow… yes… on my old calligraphy blog I have a picture on gold writing on purple paper. On my next post (some time in the distant future) I will do a link to it 🙂


  2. Exile on Pain Street

    Does this mean you’re going to be more regular with your posts? More than once every few months? Because that’s what you’re implying here. That you’re settled and fresh out of excuses.

    Very nice pieces, as always. A steady hand.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I don’t know where the time goes, Mr Pain… I don’t mean to leave such gaps between postings, but I am resolving to be more regular and settled…. blimey, it sounds like I’m discussing some sort of hideous bowel incident! I am a woman of huge implications.


  3. Hipster Yaya

    Bravo! Your works are amazingly beautiful, Scarlet! I wish I had a long corridor in my flat to frame them and show them to family & friends. You helped me get rid of a bad headache, sweety. No matter where you post from, I’ll follow you.



    1. Scarlet Post author

      There’s a strange comment approval system going on with this WordPress blog… it seems to have a mind of it’s own, Ms Hipster. Thank you for your kind words!


  4. hipsteryaya

    Oh dear, it was lost! 😦
    If my memory serves me well i said something like this: “Bravo! Your works are amazingly beautiful! I wish i had a long corridor in my flat to hang your framed works on the walls and show them to family & friends!”



    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, it has been very unpleasant. Very scary last night… more weather coming at the weekend, apparently. Don’t worry I’m not setting a foot outdoors!



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